|(Day II The End)|

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a/n: I tried making this one longer! I hope ya enjoy!

art by: mangosharkz

edited: yes!


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                        -third-person pov-

"Summer are you okay? I saw Director Smith leave R-41976 contaminant, he seemed pleased or whatever," Willy says while drinking from his water bottle.

Which Summer assumed to be some sort of alcohol.

Summer's face starts to flush, remembering what happened in Ranboo's "room". 

"Huh? You got a fever or something?" Willy asks, going back to his oblivious state again.

 "O-oh it's nothing! You're probably seeing things! Yeah seeing things..." Summer says trailing off at the end trying to convince Willy, well more herself at this point.

"Huh okay, well Alex and Tristan are waiting for us," Willy says giving a carefree glance at the girl.

"Yeah right, crap I forgot my lunch!" Summer says facepalming, this time physically.

"Right, I was supposed to tell you that Alex got you food, I think she said something about seafood? I don't know man I had one of my edibles so I can't recall," Willy says scratching his chin. 

How did this man even get hired? 

"Oh great, I hope she didn't get me shrimp, maybe she'll remember about my allergy this time," Summer says recalling the one time Alex forgot about her allergy, shuddering at the memory.

 She hears Willy laugh aloud, "Heh yeah that was hilarious you looked like a pufferfish!" Willy laughs out.

 "Yeah well, you weren't the one suffocating!" Summer say's irritated.

"Yeah yeah yeah, whatever," Willy says focusing back on walking to the cafeteria.

They soon reach the cafeteria, walking through the doors, seeing the familiar sight of Alex flirting at Tristan, and Tristan in return freaking out. Typical.

"Oh hey guys!" Alex says when she noticed their other two friends. "Heyo", Summer replies while taking a seat next to Alex. 

She looked over to Alex waiting for Alex to notice her stare.

"Here's your food Summer", Alex says a smile appearing on her face, she hands the younger girl a plastic Minecraft creeper lunch box.

 Summer notices the design and rolls her eyes, grabbing the container she hurriedly opens it excited to see what Alex got her.

Summer's face lights up in excitement.

 "You got me sushi! How? It's usually all gone!" Summer says looking up to the older girl.

 "Well....Tristan and I stayed up last night making sushi for you," Alex replies bashfully, a blush forming on her face, "Wow thank you, guys!" Summer says digging into her food.

 "Wed iss wery goob!" Summer says mouth full of sushi, making Tristan cringe but chuckle at the same time.

 "Yeah yeah whatever, don't eat with your mouth full Summer, you know better!" Alex says rolling her eyes, Summer nods her head.

Huh, Willy sure is being quiet that's odd, Summer thinks looking over to Willy, seeing him spaced out, his pupils wide, right he's high.

They all continue eating their food in peace, sometimes making small talk in between.

"Well, I'm stuffed! Thanks again!" Summer says looking over to Alex and Tristan, "No problem," Tristan replies for the both of them since Alex was still finishing her food.

The blonde girl smiles and nods her head, she looked down and checked her watch, 7:30? I still have some time to take a shower! 

"Well, I'll be off, cya guys tomorrow!" Summer says getting up from her seat and waving good-bye to her friends.

She hurriedly walks to her dorm, sliding her key card across it. The doors swoosh open, walking though she's met with a sweet vanilla smell of her candles and her black cat.

She smiles seeing her cat, "Hey Vanny! I promise I'll give you attention later, I have to take a shower!" Summer says to her cat, kneeling petting her head, of which Vanny meows and purrs.

She walks over to her room, opening the door, closing it behind her, she starts to strip off her "work uniform", grabbing her pj's, which consists of sweatpants and a plain black t-shirt.

She goes over to her bathroom, opening the door and closing it behind her, she grabs a towel placing it on the bathroom sink, also placing her pj's with it.

She turns on the bathroom fan so the room won't fog up. She turns around and turns on the water, adjusting it so it's lukewarm. She slides the shower curtain aside hoping in, letting the water run down her body. She hums in content, grabbing her shampoo getting to work.

~time skip~

"Ah that was nice," Summer says aloud to herself, wrapping a towel around her hair, walking out of the bathroom, she walks over to her bed, pulling the covers down, well time to get some sleep!

She calls over her cat, of which her cat comes over, laying herself next to the girl. Summer pulls off the towel throwing it into her laundry basket, cheering to herself for making it in.

She pulls the covers over herself, sighing in content, closing her eyes she slowly drifts into sleep, thinking about a certain someone.

She pulls the covers over herself, sighing in content, closing her eyes she slowly drifts into sleep, thinking about a certain someone

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a/n: end of day 2! day three coming out tomorrow! I'll be working on it today and tomorrow. Hope ya liked it!

words: 881

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