|(Day II pt.2)|

456 8 10

art by: edenufly on Twitter ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
also sorry for the late update, I've been stressed recently and I've been overthinking about the future and stuff, sorry :p

future me did edit this, also currently I'm baking a cake, it's red velvet c:

future me did edit this, also currently I'm baking a cake, it's red velvet c:

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-ranboo pov-

W-why would she want to know about me? I feel my face flush at her words.

 "U-uhm are you sure you want to know about me?" I ask shyly glancing up to Summer.

"Well of course I'll want to get to know you, how else are we going to be friends!" I hear Summer say with what to seems to be an exciting tone?

 "W-what are friends?" I asked tilting my head in confusion.

I hear Summer let out a gasp.

 "You don't know what friends are? You poor soul, well I'll Inlighten you then!" Summer says her eyes shining.

Wow her eyes are beautiful.

 I quickly shake my head, No Ranboo don't think that you're not human, monsters and humans shouldn't like each other.

"Okay so friends are people you are close with, like, you tell them stuff and you hang out with them! Then there are best friends, best friends are like friends but your wayyy more closer to them, then there's boyfriends and girlfriends!" Summer says.

-third-person pov-

"What are boyfriends? They sound interesting!" Ranboo says with curiosity, grabbing his logbook and quickly writing down what Summer said.

Omgomgomgomg he's so adorable AaAaA, Summer thinks to herself her face flushing.

" Well, uhm boyfriends are boys that you like like! Well more like love..." Summer says trailing off at the end.

 "What is love?" (BaBy DoNt HuRt mE) Ranboo says looking into Summer's eyes, causing her to blush.

"U-uhm well love is when you'll do anything for someone, and when you only think about them, and you feel like your on cloud nine when you're with them!" Summer says her voice getting more and more exciting throughout her little speech.

"Really? That's interesting!" Ranboo says continuing writing down in his logbook.

W-why so cute oh my gosh, Summer once again thinks.

 "How do you know if you love someone?" Ranboo asks looking up from his logbook.

"O-oh well, I guess you get this warm fuzzy feeling when you're around them, and you can't take your eyes off them". Summer says rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly.

Wait...WE'RE SUPPOSED TO BE TALKING ABOUT HIM MY GOD WHY AM I SO STUPID, Summer thinks while facepalming.

"Well um, why don't you tell me a little about yourself!" Summer says making eye contact with Ranboo (imagine making eye contact, couldn't be me).

 "O-oh right, well there isn't much to tell but I'll try!" Ranboo says.

"From what I have written down in past logbooks, my mother wasn't the nicest to me, from what I recall she would call me a monster and abuse me? I think that's the correct term for it, but my father was nice! He was very kind! I like him a lot!" Ranboo says smiling.

"Oh god Ranboo I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked." Summer says panicking.

 "O-oh well you shouldn't be, I mean you did say friends tell each other stuff, and that's what we are, friends!"

Right friends.

"Right we're friends, sorry for panicking." Summer says breaking eye contact.

 "Ah you're fine, hey why don't you tell me about yourself?" Ranboo suggests.

"Sure that'll be cool!" Summer reply's instantly gaining back her spark.

"Hey, Ranboo?"

"Yes, Summer?"

"Do you know what a hug is?"

"A hug, what is that?"

He doesn't know what a hug is?

He doesn't know what a hug is?

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a/n: hope ya enjoyed it, don't forget to leave suggestions! I'll try to update as frequently as I can!

sincerely, your future gf (•̀ᴗ•́)

edit: just realized that I didn't put how many words opps.

words: 640

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