The two arrive to see a group of bullies fighting against a fellow student. 

Bully: Just stand down already!

???: Never!

A bully with a bat attempts to smash the back of the student's head. However, he notices this and grabs the bat before it made contact as he smashes it in half before punching the bully in the face.

Spade: Hey, isn't that our roommate Omega?

Seraph: Oh, you got to be kidding me.

The two watch their roommate continuing the fight until he starts getting overwhelm.

Spade: And that's our que!

Seraph: Huh? Hey, wait-!

Ignoring Seraph, Spade immediately jumps in to join the fight while Seraph hesitates. 

Seraph: Ah screw it! 

Going against his own will, Seraph joins in the fight as well.

The fight then turns into a free-for-all when every student in the area suddenly joins in. The fight lasted for an hour until a group of teachers came along and saw what's happening. 

Teacher: What the hell are you doing?!

Upon hearing the teacher, Spade stops his fist midway into a bully's face before shouting.


Immediately hearing the shout, the students begin to scatter in different directions. However, Spade, Seraph, and Omega weren't so lucky as they were immediately grabbed by the teachers.


Principal: Why is it, when something happens, it is always you three?

Currently in the principal's office, Spade, Seraph, and Omega were face to face with the principal of their academy.

Seraph: Believe me sir, I've been asking myself the same question for a few months.

The principal sighed as he sits back down on his chair.

Principal: Despite my job here is to teach or punish you three. It looks like today's your lucky day.

Omega: What do you mean, sir?

Principal: I'm saying that you three are one of the lucky few to be accept for the Phantom program. 

The sudden news surprises the trio.

Seraph: Wait, did you just say the Phantom program? 

Spade: As in we're accept into it?!

Principal: Indeed, that is what I stated. 

Omega: Holy smokes! Do you know what does that means?! We'll be becoming operators!

Omega exactly shouted as he wraps his arms around Spade and Seraph's shoulders. 

Spade: So... Where do we start?

Principal: You begin your trial, NOW.

Spade, Seraph, Omega: Eh?


Somewhere out of a field, the trio were currently at a campsite to protect themselves from the snowing cold. 

Omega: W-What kind of p-program decided it'll be a g-great time to do the t-trial?!

The Wildcard Of TerraΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα