Taehyung simply nods, wiping the sweat that had already started to form at his temple.

"Alright then, I'll see you at dinner," she says, clearly not interested, before she makes her way out. Standing to his feet, Taehyung steps forward, he reaches out, before his arms fall to limp to his side. Sighing, he announces, "Mum, I need to talk to you about something."

There definitely was no going back now.

Taehyung's mother turns around with a puzzled look in her eyes, but nonetheless, she walks over, sitting down without a question, waiting for Taehyung to speak.

He takes a seat next to her, rubbing his sweaty palms on his joggers a couple of times before he clears his throat one more time – even though he doesn't need too.

Not knowing how to start, Taehyung starts with his father, "...I know that when you found out about dad being...gay... you were obviously hurt," he says slowly, as if he's trying to figure out the correct words as he speaks.

Eyes widening, Taehyung's mother interrupts her son before he could continue speaking, "why is Taehyung, that ever time we talk, you bring up your wretched father? He has no place being brought up now! He's...h-he's dead, and he's not coming up...and if he did, well then I wouldn't have him anyways!"

It was clear that she'd had a tough day, the toll on her being heavy, and Taehyung talking about his father didn't help the weight, only making it heavier, her shoulders crumbling beneath her.

Taehyung, however, has had enough of his mother shutting him down every single time he wanted to have a mature conversation with her, just because she didn't want to talk. "No. You're going to sit here and you're going to listen to me!" Taehyung says loudly.

His mother is taken aback with shock that her son, for once, was standing up to her.

Before she can reply, Taehyung adds, "you need to realise mum, that not all homosexual people are bad! You just think that you hate them because...well because you never got closure!" He shouts, his deep voice echoing off of the walls.

The cold, hard truth was hard to accept, especially when you tried so hard to avoid seeing it. And Taehyung's mother had been running from the light for so long because she felt so safe in the dark.

Darkness is always perceived as something evil and unknown. Somewhere, where you could lose yourself and go mad trying to find yourself. But the darkness wasn't always evil and the light was never deemed as good permanently.

The unknown was better, safer. Because you didn't have to face your fears when they were cradling you in the dark.

Taehyung's mother freezes at her son's words, she tries to form a proper sentence. And yet...nothing.

She stands up, scoffing, "and what's got you speaking to me like this? I'm your mother Taehyung, you don't have a comment on what I need in my life!" She walks around, hands on her hips, her own nasally voice bouncing off of the walls in angles.

"Oh really," Taehyung chuckles darkly, looking at her with sudden resentment, "the fact that you don't have someone to love you will always stick with you dear mother. For as long as I have lived, you have neglected me! Shunned me! Pushed me away! Did you ever stop and think that if you loved me, that you'd finally feel love? No," Taehyung seethes, his words like bullets and sharp daggers to his mother's chest.

"How dare you," she screeches, "I have given you everything, and this is how you treat me? By telling me that I have a fucked up way of taking in emotions? Act like a normal son, not a therapist," his mother continues to shout, her tone nasty as her shirt becomes untucked from her skirt with the every flail of her arms.

For once, Taehyung's perfect mother looked imperfect, with many flaws.

The wrinkling on her face, greying hairs, weak and slanted eyes, upturned lips, yellowing teeth at the bottom, shriveled chin: she was truly turning into the ugliest version of herself.

"Son? I'm no son to you," Taehyung scoffs with amusement, looking her up and down, "and you gave me everything because you had too! I would've been happy with a straw shack and a pillowcase for underwear if it meant that I had a mother's affection," he says, in a sudden calm tone, shocking the both of them.

He steps forward, "why can't you see that you're still hurt? Can't you see that you've always been looking for closure when you can't? Mum, just listen to me," he whispers, taking her hands in his gently. She sighs, shoulders slumping as she allows the first tear to roll down her cheek.

"I loved him," she whispers with defeat. The prominent pain in her pearly sounding voice.

Taehyung closes his eyes, pulling his mother into a hug, something he never dreamed of doing before but suddenly it felt so right. She stiffens in the unfamiliar embrace of her son, before finally the sobs break from her lips, like glass hitting the floor.

Body shaking, Taehyung just holds her, his fingers trembling as he rubs her back in soothing circles, trying to get her to calm down.

He still feared the reaction his mother would give him once he told her the truth.

The cold, hard truth about her son.

Gosh, how would she deal with it.

Her husband being gay, and now her son telling her that he's in a loving relationship with a person of the same gender.

Go ahead and cry little boy.

He still feels like that little boy, wishing to have a father, wondering why he was left alone in such a large house for hours. Hour upon hour. Only for his mother to come and shut him away in his room for the rest of the night.

Taehyung takes a deep breath, maybe he shouldn't tell her today. Not knowing how she'd deal with the news, it would be dangerous to tip her over the edge.

No. Maybe he could slip it in, and because she's so emotional, she slips over the news and dismisses it because she's so upset.

Taehyung thinks about Jungkook. The pretty faces blonde boy. Oh how he longs to have Jungkook in his arms instead of his mother. To feel the boy, to smell his homely scent, the smile against the skin of his neck.

His bunny-toothed smile, with the mole just under his lip that Taehyung just loved to kiss, teasing the blonde boy, making the boy pout adorably with anger, crossing his arms and stomping his foot with brattiness until he got s long kiss from Taehyung. How Jungkook seemed to want Taehyung's best interests at heart because he loved to see Taehyung smile.

Taehyung loved everything about Jungkook, from top to bottom. From every gland on his skin, to the every strand of hair on his body. Truly, there were no imperfections on Jeon Jungkook. He's a flawless angel. The only imperfection being that he had none.

But Taehyung on the other hand, he was a mess compared to the beauty called Jungkook. Taehyung was messy, he didn't know who he was, he hated being tied down, he was lost trying to find something that never even existed in the first place.

So how could Jungkook ever love someone as complicated as Taehyung?

But the how and the why didn't matter anymore, especially since Jungkook loved Taehyung. He loved him. And that was all Taehyung needed to power on, with myriads of energy, sparking his body and mind to do amazing things.

Love had no limits.

Not when you had Jungkook as a lover.

Taehyung felt ready to sacrifice the world, all to see that smile once more. All to feel his skin again. All to smell that fresh smell of rain and vanilla shower gel. To see those milky thighs on display for himself. To laugh and to have those diner dates. To lie underneath the stars and talk about their future. To actually have a future together. There was no going back.

Taehyung was ready. So, so ready. Closing his eyes, he pulls away from his mother, taking a deep breath. Opening his eyes, he says,

"Mum, I'm gay."


Notice how in every chapter up till now Taehyung hasn't admitted that his sexuality is him being gay...
Nice little chapter for you all!
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