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All of her team were seated neatly in her office, plotting how they were going to trap the murderer. The funeral was their first and last chance to get him. So it had to be perfect.

"Everyone in civil clothes only. Black, preferably, or white."

"Got it, Lieutenant."

"We aren't taking our Walkies with us. That guy is very smart. We can't have him know that we are there for him." She distributed a pair of Airpods to each one of her team. "These Airpods are internally networked. Our Techs team have done some technological amends to mesh them up, so that they work as our alternatives for Walkies. Airpods will make it look more casual.

"Always in the ears. Don't remove them ever for a second. Now, women here, make sure you cover the Airpods in your ears, somehow. So many people wearing Airpods will look strange, and he is vigilant enough to notice that. Am I clear?"

"Yes, Lieutenant."

"Okay, now with the important terms. Yellow, when he enters. Orange, when he pays his respects, and Red when he is making his way out. No one hurries, we don't want him to get alert. Do y'all get it? We have to slowly close-up on him. No movement unless without my consent. This is our only chance and we cannot fuck it up. Heard me well?"

"Yes, Lieutenant."

"Briefing dismissed. Cooper, Hill and Reed, stay back."

When, after a few moments, everyone else left, she turned her attention to the three who she'd asked to stay back.

"Do you have access to all the CCTVs in there?"


"Tell me as soon as he enters. I want to observe what he does. I'm sure he's gonna arrive with his own agenda."

"Got it, Ford."

"Hill, I want you to stand somewhere around Hun—I mean, Mr. Radcliffe. I'm guessing he'd be standing just by the coffin. This serves two purposes: first, you get to see what Logan does squarely; second, though Mr. Radcliffe doesn't know what Logan looks like, I'm extremely positive he is gonna blow up once he sees who we're after. There, I want you to use your calming tactics. Please, save the mission from getting messed up."

"Yeah. Don't worry," she smiled reassuringly.

"Cooper," she huffed, "you and I are gonna stand together in some shady corner, where he can't easily spot us, but we have a clear view of what he does. And mind you," she stated sternly, "you do not get to tail behind Hill. You can take her wherever you please after we have him under arrest. Am I absolutely clear?"

Cooper simply stared at her, his mouth agape. "Why didn't you warn her, too?"

"Moron, amongst the two of you, you're the desperate one. Typical guy. I can wager on the fact that she won't even spare you a glance tomorrow if it isn't for your constant prodding. She's my woman."

He sighed, giving up. "Damn women. You chase them, they have a problem; you don't, then they have an even bigger problem. Jesus! You never know which way is up with the female population," he muttered under his breath.

"I heard that. And the answer for that is, a righteous, independent woman would appreciate you being her pillar, not her minion. You need to be there for her when she needs you, at the same time respecting her space and privacy and ensuring not to invade either of the two."

Hill had a proud smile on her face. Chicago speaking up on such a matter was a rare event. But whenever she did, she made certain to make her point loud and clear. It was how Chicago was made. She wasn't the one for long, inspirational speeches. She'd rather her minimal words speak volumes.

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