Chapter 8: Nayeon, you're a genius

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That night Chaeyoung got to her room really happy. She had a great dinner with her friends and even though they complained about her roommate again, Jeongyeon had said she trusted her and that brought some peace to it all. She was not that dumb, right? She was also really thrilled for her best friend. She saw how Jeongyeon and her left together hand in hand, well everyone did, but no one really knew all of the push and pull they had experimented as well as Chaeyoung so she was proud of their development. Everyone at their own pace, right?

The joy and excitement of the night quickly died down though, because it was getting late and her roommate hadn't returned. She saw the girl at the Bar and Grill, maybe she was still there. But still, she couldn't help but wonder if she was okay, maybe something had happened or maybe she was staying out, she couldn't know. It wasn't her place to know after all, but who could blame her for worrying just a bit. She looked at her phone tempted to text Mina, but she resisted.

It was now some minutes past midnight and she felt the door. Mina had returned. The girl went straight to the bathroom and then to her bed ready to sleep.

"How was your night?" She tried.

Chaeyoung saw how the girl had her phone and was typing something really quick. 'Maybe something did happen'  She thought and tried again. "Are you okay?" but Mina left her phone, turned off her light, and turned around.

Chaeyoung then went to sleep too, she was kind of worried but still, it was nothing out of the ordinary if the girl ignored her, it was just that she had been really proud of her little wins that she expected to receive some answers.

The next morning she got up a little later than usual as expected of a Sunday. Mina on the other hand was already awake. She was on top of her bed with her legs crossed typing again on her phone.

"Morning," Chaeyoung tried again hoping whatever happened last night, was better now. It wasn't. Mina looked up at the girl, but she gave her a serious face, like the ones she used to have on their first weeks as roomies, and then looked down again. Chaeyoung felt like Mina needed some space, maybe she was going through something, so she got up and dressed quickly to go out for a bit. "I'll leave you to it, then, felt like you might need some time alone." And she got through the door.

Had she done something wrong? 'Don't be silly, Chaeyoung, it probably has nothing to do with you'

So she started walking around campus with no clear direction or a place in mind. It was a bit more chilly now, she was wearing a turtleneck and a long coat, she wished she had brought a scarf as well, but she was not going back, not yet at least. Soon enough she found herself near Nayeon's dorm so she took her phone out and dialed her number.


"I'm near your room, can I go there?"

"Yeah I was planning on talking to you either way," Nayeon said with a deep breath.

"Okay wait for me." Chaeyoung hung up.

'Weird. Maybe something went wrong with Jeongyeon'

Nayeon was alone in her room, she had answered the door after a few knocks and they were now with their legs crossed face to face on the girl's bed.

"What happened? What do you need to talk to me about?" Chaeyoung questioned. "Did Jeongyeon do something?

Nayeon abandoned her serious face for a slightly red one.

"Oh, she did," Chaeyoung smiled.

"She was so cute, Chaeyoungie. I was really mad at her for being so slow, but then I can't stay mad at her." Nayeon's eyes really shined. "She walked me home and we were rea-" Nayeon suddenly stopped herself with a quick hand movement. "Wait, wait, no." She got her serious face again. "That's not what's important right now."

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