18: Chanlix soulmate

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I'm literally getting whipped in this photo (credits to the owner)

Bangchan Pov:
We became stronger, we don't care about Y/N in our lives and now the last day of her in this house tomorrow whether she want or not she have no choice but to leave, my kids we're getting uncomfortable on her presence here anyways.

Yesterday I don't like what she did, it's so uncontrollable and she have even a little of respect for herself the thing I wish I saw before I marry her, that time I have no choice I got her pregnant with my eldest Minho and I have no choice but to marry her but now? She's not a part of this family she maybe the mom of my child but once Felix and I got married? Felix will be the legal mother of my children.

*Knock knock*

"Dad?" It was Hyunjin with a flat iron In his right and a Jeongin in his left "Jeongin got burned trying to iron his own clothes" with such dramatic voice Felix approach Jeongin which I just watch I know Felix he knew what to do, he maybe not so perfect but for me? He is.
They went to the sink and rinse the burn with running water while Hyunjin dramatically crying thinking that Jeongin burnt is such a serious case, Jeongin just slightly touch the iron and it caused not too big burnt it's just fine, as I'm holding Hyunjin Felix dresses the burnt with ointments.
"Hyunjin see? Nothing too bad happened".
"I'm just tryna be a good Hyung".
"You are".
"Am i?".
"Then why Minho Hyung always put me in the airfryer? He always threatening me".
"He just like you okay? Go ahead and dress up you're going to Bambam Hyung house okay?".
"There was a party there and you guys we're invited" as he hold Jeongin they both went to their room, Bambam wanted a pajama party for the kids as we talk to Y/N about sensitive issues for her to know what she need to do while here because I don't want my kids waken their minds in such things, what if the kids saw   Y/N naked just like yesterday they might ask and think it's right, the mother should be the model of a modest and good characters not being such who she is the day that she leave us.

Bambam fetch the kids ofcouse with Jackson and right after that we asked Y/N for a serious talk.


"What is this all about?" Y/N says crossing her legs fully disgusted of how I touch Felix infront of her, we used to be like this and we shouldn't be the one adjusting it should be her because it's my home.

"I'm just wanna ask you something just one question and why is Felix here is because we wanted to clear you something" I said, rolling her eyes and nod she allowed ask the question well it's the question that I wanted to ask this whole year her not being around "why did you leave me and my child the time I can't give you anything because of my job?".

It's a strange silence cover the whole house, I'm hurt before thinking of where did I do wrong if I did that she don't like, is that because I'm kinda possessive or because I'm workaholic but now I don't care just for the closure I will asked then I will let her go so I can start a new life with Felix.

"It's not because I don't want you anymore it's because..... You keep on giving me sons I just want a daughter so I leave you".
"Because of that? Minho, Hyunjin,all of our sons we're actually daughter I don't know if Jeongin is but my child we're all gay".
"Yes I know but I want a daughter then you gave me gays, you have no stable job on composing I told you many time debut in a group I don't care if you can't tell them you have a wife but just, just find a stable job".
"Is that after I got a big opportunity and have more money you go back?".
"Am I late already?" I can feel the sadness in her voice, but I'm sorry that it's true no matter how I want him back in my life I can't, I might just be with her anytime I want but I know I can't be happy because Felix is my happiness now, and I know he can take care of my children well "I would understand".

"Yes, I'm with Felix now, we're planning on getting married this year and my kids agreed".
"I see, don't worry I won't ruined that plan of yours, don't worry. Anyways I have found someone who can love me right after I leave Jay and also when I met BTS, Taehyung specially".
"I see, Felix saw you many times because he's a friend of Namjoon what about it".
"Yes but it's not true that I'm flirting with anyone of them, Jungkook must read me wrong and yes I did fulfill their sexual needs but... Taehyung became much serious towards me, he told me not to do that again and because of that we became together".
"Then why are you here? Why are you getting back to me".
"BTS is a close friend of Felix... The time that yes I offer my body for BTS even Jungkook have taste me and Felix might saw anything about that...days passed and one day Taehyung said that I shouldn't be doing that and I said why and he said that he loves me don't care about my past... Felix maybe tell the fact that I seduce BTS but not that, when Felix told Rm that he's getting affection toward you they got worried because I told them whole lie which I already clear but to make sure they ask me to test you Bangchan if you really don't like girls and won't attract to pussy anymore" on her confession it became way brighter now, she just try to test my loyalty for Felix and she care about Felix, all this we're just a test. "Anyways this might be you know complicated but I'm just really try to test your relationship and I went here for this... I'm inviting you guys on my wedding".
"Wait we also getting married?".
"Then congratulations to both of us" we make up with everything now, all of those misunderstanding are now very clear and now that Y/N find someone who she really love and can accept her from who she is, she can change now and for Felix and i? We're as happy as anyone could be, I'm happy having someone like Felix who is lovable, caring and a perfect match of me.

My Sudden twist is ugly! ಥ‿ಥ


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