16: Felix too beautiful

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My lesbian heart shaking

Y/N Pov:
I'm cooking at 5 am I don't get why am I doing this, all I want is just to bond with my child and maybe get Bangchan back in my arms.

He's been my husband for 4 years we're good and happy, well not really I keep on cheating it's because I don't get much satisfied about our life before, we're in the apartment I don't even get to buy clothes weekly and I don't get satisfied not tasting other dish well Bangchan is hot and I do know that but I just...WHY THE HELL IS JAY PARK SO HOT THOUGH? I regret having relationship with him but not so really, I get to taste Jay Park superior abs though.

Anyways I'm cooking breakfast for the kids, and for Bangchan I wanna show him who is the sexy and housewife material and that's me not that guy he's sleeping with that guy that I often see him cuddling with, I just hate seeing my husband with someone else.

I don't know how to cook, I have no background with something like this all I know is to spread my legs and wait for a dick joke no! I've been a model before I got pregnant with our eldest son Minho I had to give up and get married that time we already have Changbin and Hyunjin in our lives.

"What's that?" Irritating voice that is surely just woke up "you don't have to do that mom will surely wake up soon".
"Mino I'm your mom".
"You can't even get my name right im Minho".
"Sounds like atleast anyways don't you like my cooking?... Jeongin my son come here" I tryna get my Youngest in my arms and yet seems like he don't want to, he's giggling and throwing tantrums right in front of me and I don't know how to handle it.

I try to get him calm, I tried to get him back in my arms, I'm his Mommy why is he don't want me?.
When someone get him, it's small hand smaller than mine and right after he get Jeongin, he stop crying looking at him and it's Felix that Felix again, he's the apple of the eye of this house, my sons,my husband they all keeping an eye on him he isn't a girl, don't act like a woman but why everything is on him.

"I can handle him, go to your cooking" he smile as get Jeongin now giggling on his arms, he look perfect in their eyes, he's like a Leach to them they keep on telling Felix 'Felix is really kind', 'Why don't Felix sing lullaby for me' it's tiring, they don't see me here, they don't breath the same as me, they don't even care I'm roaming around this house they're living like a family and I'm their maid well in reality I should be in the position of that stupid human, Felix.

I keep my eye on cooking while still keeping an ears on giggles of Jeongin while telling Felix about the flying dinosaur he dreamt about last night it's making me jealous and I get more, more jealous when Bangchan joined them giggling together and laughing together as well as the other kids and now they're playing. Am I supposed to be with them? Am I supposed to play with them? That boy don't deserve any of these then why is he getting one! I hate it! Fucking hate!.

"Guys let's eat" I said no one even insisted to sit down the table, they're looking at each other and seems like communicating.
"Let's eat, I smell Mommy Y/N cooks delicious".
"I would still love your cooking and she's not my Mommy your my only mommy right Jeongin".
"Nae Changbin Hyung" in front of me? I can't slap my own son but I want to! In my own salad? I'm the one who carry them 9 months, labor them in the delivery room and now they like that guy who just cook and giggle with them?how the actual fuck!

One of them sitting together I almost flip the whole table I'm alone in the right side while they all gathering in the left where Felix was.

"Guys go sit properly" Felix said making them move to their places, Felix and Bangchan is sitting together ofcouse while in Felix right in the middle part where father supposedly to sit is Jeongin.

While we are all eating I feel like I'm outcasted in this place but I won't let that happened.

"Felix have you here for long time? Seems like they're already that close to you" the bitch almost choking up in his own food.
"Y-yes actually quite while now".
"Yeah and are you really uhm gay? I mean my husband did see me Everytime I pity he didn't set me as his standard".
"Actually we don't have to set standard to love someone".
"Then you seduce him? Did you fuck him on his sleep?".
"Y/N what's in the mouth".
"Don't raise your voice like that I am not your child, babygirl maybe".
"Eat up now! I can kick you one more unappropriated thing in the table".
"Fine! I'm sorry!" Failed! Plan B if this won't work my husband is something else now

I spill water down my clothes planned and Intentionally just to know who this bitch messing with.

"I'm sorry to clumsy wait" I started stripping off my clothes well I have flawless skin no one could ever resisted.
"What the hell Y/N In front of Jeongin? Are you out of your mind?!" Because of tension all of them stopped eating while I feel hand grabbing me out of the table. Yeah this is working this is!

We stop upstairs in the laundry area why here? It's not comfortable.

"What the fuck are you doing? Are you out of your mind or you just being your stinky self here?" Raise voice but keeping low, I don't get why? He's husband nothing's wrong with that.
"What?! I don't get you".
"I don't get you, first Felix he's being nice as he could to you what did you do? Embarrass him infront of me of us then now stripping in front of the children? Is that how you represent yourself? Desperate slut huh?!".
"Don't call me slut I am not!".
"Then why are you doing such things? Do you think that will make you rich huh? How many strip you did, how many dish you cook you'll be the past of mine and my child Felix is way better than you".
"Felix, Felix, Felix! Full of Felix what about me!".
"Your their mother Felix is my wife don't cross the line" he said leaving me behind making sure that he marks in my mind that Felix is the new wife of Bang family. Hate him so much!

Felix: *breath*
Y/N: gosh I hate him!

Sorry for offensive, bulgar language
[i need to do that in the sake of Y/N character here]
Y/N don't hate Felix.
Felix bestboy


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