To Seek That Which Cannot Be Found

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"How can there not be one safe place to go, where the hell is our government?!" Tim shouts as we walk through the woods. We've been running from walkers all day. It seems like no matter where we go we can't seem to shake them.

"Maybe we should leave the city." Glen says from behind me.

"And go where Glen?" Tim turns around and asks. Not in a malicious tone or anything just sheer curiosity.

"I don't know." Glen shrugs. "There has to be somewhere that's not overrun with zombies."

"We need more evidence than that. I have my family to think about. And you two as well now. I won't let you just run off and go and search for something that may or may not exists. We need to stick together on this."

"We wouldn't go anywhere without you guys." I tell Tim.

"It's becoming too hard here. Maybe if we go to a city with less population we'll be okay." Glen suggests. Tim raises a brow at Glen. "Ooo I know, what about Nebraska." Glen says.

"Glen that's a state not a city." I say shaking my head at my brother as we start walking again. Even Francisco chuckles at Glen's sheer stupidity.

"I knew that." Glen says narrowing his eyes at me.

"I'm sure you did." I say through a laugh.

"All I'm saying is, maybe we should stay away from the big cities and stick to the small places like..." He trails off and looks up at me.

"Like..?" I bait him.

"Omaha?" He says but in a questioning tone.

"I'll take cities in Nebraska for two hundred Alex." I joke and he hits me.

"Ow!" I shriek.

"Glen don't hit your sister." Jo tells him.

"Come on let's get somewhere safe before nightfall." Tim says, shaking his head and chuckling at us.


"We need to make a decision and fast." I hear someone say outside the van I was sleeping in. I lift my head and everyone standing talking by one of the other vans.

"How can you possibly want them apart of this group after what they did?" My mom asks Tim.

"According to you guys they never did anything wrong, right?"

"That doesn't meant that they weren't going to, or they still won't." Aiden pipes up.

I look at the window to my left and see the group of women and children sitting on the grass. Are we contemplating taking them?

"What's going on?" I ask getting out of the van.

"Honey you should really lay back down and get your rest." My dad tells me trying to escort me back into the van.

"No." I push him away. "You guys can't be serious. They shot me."

"Spencer they're-"

"I don't care what they are. They shot me and I don't want them in this group." I say sternly and loud enough for their group to hear.

"Actually my dad shot you. None of us even had guns." A girl about my age comes around the van and says.

"Did I ask you?" I turn to her and say with a raised brow.

"I was just-"

"Shutting up." I say and roll my eyes before turning back to my group. "We can't take them, this isn't-"

"You guys killed all the men in our group. If you send us away you're killing us." The girl cuts me off and says.

"They tried to kill us." I point out. Ashley comes and stands next to me.

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