Stupid Cupid

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I have absolutely no idea how this chapter got left out of this story. I am so upset right now. This chapter was important to the story. :( Sorry guys.

"So you told your parent's about us?" Lindsey asks with a smile.

"I did." I nod.

"So we don't have to hide anymore? We can hang out at your house now?" She asks and I can see the gleam in her eyes. She's as happy as I am that my parent's accepted me after I told them I was gay.

"We don't have to hide anymore." I shake my head. We're sitting at the park watching the ducks swim by in the pond like we did every Sunday after church. She grabs my hand and takes it in hers.

I've never felt like this with anyone.

Wanting to be with them forever.

Lindsey and I could sit right here on this park bench forever and I'd be content.

Nothing else matters when I'm with her.

I know you're thinking I'm only fourteen and this can't be real love.

Well you're not feeling what I'm feeling.

Lindsey is my soul mate and there will never be another girl to replace her.


"You know what I realized?" Ashley leans over and whispers in my ear.

"What?" I whisper back. Both Aiden and Kyla are asleep so we're trying not to be rude and wake them.

"I don't know anything important about you." She says with a smile.

"Like?" I question with a raised brow.

"Your favorite food, TV show, movie?" She shrugs and sits back closer to the window like she's waiting for me to answer.

"Does any of that really matter now?" I ask with a smile. I'll never watch any of those shows again, hell they're all probably dead now.

"To me it does." She nods with conviction.

"Okay." I smile and put my back against the opposite window, facing her. "Waffles, Friends, and the Goonies." I fire off each answer quickly.

"Me too, I love that show and Oh my God that's my favorite too!" She replies and we both giggle.

"Ashley." I say after we both stop giggling.

"Yeah?" She questions.

"This is dangerous." I tell her and swallow hard.

"What?" She asks moving closer to me.

"This." I point between us, letting my finger linger on her shirt.

"What exactly is this?" She asks, barely audible as she moves even closer to me.

"I don't know." I breathe in her scent. She smells so good. She always smells good. We're in the middle of a freaking zombie apocalypse and she always manages to smell like flowers. I, on the other hand smell like forest and earth. Gross.

"Neither do I." She replies just as softly.

"Well I wish you two would figure it out because I'm tired of listening to you yap about it." Kyla says from the seat in front of us and I hear Glen trying to hold back laughter. I on the other hand don't hold mine in.

Kyla is something else isn't she?

"Why don't you turn around and go back to sleep." Ashley playfully snaps at her sister who rolls her eyes and lays back down on the seat.

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