My Hero

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"Should I tell them?" I ask Glen as we stare at my parent's in the kitchen dancing around and stealing kisses as they prepare dinner.

"Yeah." Glen nods.

"But what if they cut me off or worse! What if they say I can't ever hang out with Lindsey again?" I question my brother, becoming hysterical.

He chuckles before saying, "Impossible. You're too cute." He pinches my cheeks and smiles.

"Stop it." I slap his hand away and stand up from the kneeling position we were in.

Yes! We were peeking around the wall to spy on my parents in the kitchen.

Sue us.

"Just do it Spence." Glen says standing up beside me. "I promise you they'll understand. You're they're daughter. You're amazing and the fact that you like girls doesn't change that." He says and smiles.

"You know sometimes you're really amazing, Glen." I tell him and he nods.

"I know."

"Annnnd now you're not." I add and punch him in the arm.

"You ready?" He questions.

"As I'll ever be." I nod and we both make our way into the kitchen. "Mom, dad." I say once I reach them.

"Yes sweetie?" My dad turns around and asks.

"I have something that I need to tell you both." I say and swallow thickly. I don't think I've ever been so nervous in my life.

"What is it honey?" My mom asks, dropping the stirring spoon that was in her hand in the pot of beef stew. I guess she could sense the seriousness of my tone.

"Spencer tell them." Glen whispers in my ear. Oh, I must have spaced out.

"Um...well...I..." I trail off and look up at Glen. He gives me a reassuring smile and for some reason all my worries and fears disappear. "I'm gay." I breathe out quickly and then look at my parents to gauge their reaction. My mom smiles and my dad just kind of stares at me blankly. "Are you guys gonna say something?" I ask after a moment.

"Thank you for finally feeling comfortable enough to come and talk to us about this." My dad says, his lips curling up into a smile.

"Wait, you knew?" I question them.

"No." My mom shakes her head.

"Not for sure anyway." My dad adds.

"Why didn't you come to me and say something?" I ask in disbelief. They knew this entire time and neither of the thought it would be nice if they came and told me they knew.

"We didn't know for sure sweetie." My dad says.

"And we didn't want to rush you." Mom adds.

"Well I feel stupid." I sigh out and sit down on a bar stool. Glen chuckles before leaving the kitchen. All that freaking out over nothing.

"You shouldn't feel stupid, Spencer. We're glad that you've finally come to us and shared this with us." My dad says walking over to me and taking a seat in the bar stool next to me.

"I'm sorry I didn't before, I was scared." I admit.

"Scared of what?" My mom asks.

"That you two would hate me and wouldn't want me as your daughter anymore." I admit truthfully and they both show a brief moment of hurt before speaking.

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