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September 18th, 2:39 pm,


The boy from the photo. He is sitting in my room. I woke up only a minute ago only to be nearly frightened to death. My body feels paralyzed; cold to the touch. When I touched my eyelids, they shocked awake from the iciness. When I opened my eyes, the first thing I did was push myself up from an awkwardly crispy bed. It's small but somehow fits me inside it perfectly. The sheets are crisp, but clean, flooding my nose with the smell of antiseptic and fresh air. I'm not worried about the bed, though. I am worried about who's it is, because it isn't mine. 

The walls surrounding me are stained an awful creme color. I can't tell if that was a design choice, or whether the atmosphere changed it. The creme is scattered with about one thousand plug sockets. It is wild. Opposite my bed is a small TV on wheels so I could supposedly bring it closer if I tried. Something is playing on it. Pink and green. Maybe some sort of nature channel. I don't need glasses, but my vision blurs the illustration.

As I woke, I searched the unfamiliar room, trying to figure out where I was. There are three spaces to sit, a small two-person sofa to the right of me, and a large gray spotty chair adjacent. That's where he is placed.

My body jolted. Why is he here? Mel said that he was just a guy from the internet. Or did she? I can't really remember. Now I am thinking. . . where is she? And why am I in the hospital? Is this a hospital? I have never been to one, but this is what they look like in the movies. 

When my eyes meet his, a green glare targets mine. It's like having a staring contest with a python. Only this snake has soft features, paired with a fierce jawline. His hair is even floppier than in the photo, ragged like he hasn't touched it in days. Instead of a scowl, his face is pulled into a toothy smile. He looks. . . relieved. Quickly, the boy stands from his seat, targetting me on the bed. He is taller than I expected, his long legs sitting higher than the bed.

''Bella?'' He moves his hand swiftly up to his hair, pulling it back over his forehead and running his fingers through. How does he know my name? My brain reacts suddenly, shuffling as far away to the other side of the bed as possible. I would leave, but I am harnessed down in a maze of cables. My legs hang off the edge of the bed, my skin getting even frostier than before. He looks hurt, his eyes falling from happiness to somber. His smile turns into a frown, a confused look covering his face. ''Bella?'' He seems to think that repeating himself is going to make him any less scared.

''Stay away.'' I shuffle further back until I can't anymore. ''How do you know my name?'' My mouth wavers, though my mind doesn't want to reply. My hands shake on top of the duvet. 

He lets out a laugh, appearing at the side of the bed. ''Come on Bella, give it up. Where the hell have you been?'' He responds, his smile returning. Does he think I am joking? My body releases a shiver, running from head to toes.

Shuffling away again, I announce, ''With Mel and Liam, where are they. Who are you?'' I try to say it confidently, but it comes out as a nervous murmur. I added a question of my own to try and get some answers. His hands clench together into a fist and his body jolts at the mention of my friends.

''What did you just say?'' He grinds his teeth together, balling his hands even tighter than before. His voice sounds angry, but I detect lightness inside. Like he isn't being angry around me for some reason.

''I said. . . I was on a road trip with my friends. Now. Who. Are. You?'' My tone gains strength, yet still wavers. 

''You were with Liam this whole time! Willingly?'' I feel attacked. He sounds shocked, worried, angry. But mostly angry.

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