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September 15th, 11:36 am,


It's the next day. A new one. A fresh start. Except it's exactly the same as yesterday. On the same couch, in the same room, with the same people. After the discussion between the three of us, we sat for another half an hour. When I say we, I mean me. I sat there for another half an hour, doing nothing. They went on their phones, leaving me out of it all. I tried to get up. Go outside. Get some fresh air. But they wouldn't let me. Told me I can't go yet. I am not allowed out of the room, let alone the building. I was scared. Having no recollection of the past 12 days freaks me out. More so that I am on a road trip I never agreed to come on. Or did I? I can't remember.

It's intimidating, not being allowed out. The only view I have is from the second-story window. When I looked, there was only a road, and a very graffitied wall opposite us. If I looked down, I could see underneath us. We are on top of what appears to be a bar. Broken down now; was once a bar. Dead LED lights hang off the walls. Countless words are imprinted on the walls, illegible from what I could see, though they were hard to read upside down. They are in all sorts of colors, mostly ranging from yellows to blues. I'm not a fan of vandalism, so being on top of such a place is scary. It's inside too- the graffiti. Lots of it. They didn't answer me when I asked if this was a hotel- but I suppose I already knew from the broken glass and bottles everywhere.

I feel trapped, both mentally and emotionally. For the entirety of last night, I didn't let my eyes close once. I spent the hours trying to piece together my forgotten life. If I think back far enough, I can recollect few events. I can only, however- remember going out with the two once. To a party. Only one time. I find it really hard to believe that they are the only friends I made. Though I am not a social person, they would be the last people I would choose. We are just so. . . different. Both of them are borderline alcoholics, and me. . . well, I am me.

The party is a vivid memory, the one that my brain keeps shuttering back to. I remember having the best time ever, though most parts are a haze. I have no idea how I got there and back, nor where I actually was. Like the rest of my visions, it was like I was placed in a room and left there, not having a clue how I got there.

The shadow is still there, haunting me. I know them. I know I do. They follow me everywhere, always at my side, but when I turn to look at them, they are never there. Like a ghost. It's like they are a massive part of my life but, for some reason, just got cut out. Leaving me clueless with only a black mist to help. I keep trying. Forcing myself to recognize them. But it's just a faceless voice.

''Bella, you awake yet?'' My eyes widen as I am thrown out of my thoughts. Mel enters through the one entrance, a small wooden door. I woke up about an hour ago, with no clue where Mel and Liam were. I wanted to try and leave, to get the bus and travel back home. But even if I tried to get out, I have no clue where I am. I know they aren't telling me on purpose, though. It must be for good reason. Maybe a surprise of some sort?

Nodding, I murmur a reply. ''Yeah, I'm awake.'' I sut my body up on the couch. I did sleep a bit last night, though I tried not to. The position I laid in was uncomfortable, leaving me with a sore back. I had to sleep sideways as to not hurt my hand anymore. I didn't want to tell them, but I think I broke my hand in the car crash. I would expect — going on a road trip — to spend the nights in hotels, not some derelict building. I don't even get the pleasure of having my own bed, which just adds to the mystery of it all. My body aches and I groan as I release the words, ''When are we leaving?''

''We have only been gone two days. We are going back on the 18th.'' One side of her mouth tilts up into a half-smile. ''For now, we need you to stay in here,'' She says sinisterly, now fully smiling. Not in a nice way. Grabbing onto the side of the door, she steps out, locking it behind her. ''And don't think about jumping, you'll die.''

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