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4 years later.

"You'll be out next week, are you excited" his therapist ask. Xander simply bring his lips to a thin line.

It's been four years since he was locked up. There he found professional help with a constant therapist.

Xander was to serve 4 years in prison. With his money and power of course he had choices, he could get a parole basically paid his way out but for what he did to her he feels like there's nothing he can do that will makes it okay__never.

"You've made great progress I have to say" she smile and Xander nodded.

He has grown a beard and his hairs are long now shoulder blade lenght to be exact, makes his bleu eyes stand out the more.

He wouldn't say he had luxury in prison but, he sure did had privileged others didn't, he was allowed to sign his documents while in here and be able to be part of his important meetings. Well, the ones his assistant Becca couldn't handle alone.

Only one person on his mind while being here; Skye Miller. Xander had heard news about her. She did went to New York to study marketing and business and be as beautiful as ever.

"And what about her?" The therapist questions, he tense a bit. What about her?

"The girl you talks about a lot what's your plan when you get out of here" Xander shrug.
He can't face Skye, he can never face her. What would he say? What would he do?

Soon after their section was over xander was back in his cell, where he reads to nourish his mind, and work on how to be a better man, all for her.

He laid thinking, he has spent 4 years here yet it felt like yesterday since he comes here.

He seated in his meeting huffing and sighing about. Nothing was going great for him.

The meeting was about a new contract with scotland, a contract that would be good for him but of course, his mind was clouded of other things. Things that was more important to him right now.

No one would give him news of skye. How was she after the hospital. After what happened to skye it's as if the Millers had isolated themselves from the public.

By the time the meeting was over he walked back to his office wanting to drown himself in work as a distraction.

"Sir please he is busy" Becca tries to hold the officers as they badge into the company.
Xander looks up in the direction of the commotion.

He sigh when he sees the police. "Xander Russo you are under arrest for the kidnapping of skye Miller, and rape" the officer says as he cuffs him. "You can plead your defense in court_"


Of course he did plead guilty because that's what he was _he was guilty. At that time he didn't worry about his reputation or how the public would see him.

Xander wanted to be a better man for skye and he has to start here. He has his sections, his therapy, he reads.

He sigh and look at the ceiling, he will be out. Will she wants to see him? Will she gives him another chance?.

After everything he did to her_ would she?
Does she have someone else? That's the question that eats him up inside.

After all it's been four years shes 22 now graduated last week from college with a business degree according to Kelly who had visit him days before.

He laid there waiting.

Xander proceed to the front as they hand him his suit his gold Rolex, his chains. He was a complete different person now.

His beard were long his shoulder were much larger his suit almost did not fit him from all the push up and work out he'd done in here.

"How does it feel to be out" Marco says to him as he walks to the car. "A breath of fresh airs" he sighs.

"How's things in the warehouse I trust everything went smooth" xander ask. "Wow you went straight to business" Marco chuckled. "Everything went smooth though the deal with the Russian where a bit hard to crack but we got it" he nodded and rest his head on the seat.

"We are here" Marco says as he stops in front of the Russos estate. He went in. "Xander" his mom hugs him. "Hey mom" he smiles. "Im glad you're back" he only smiles. He was glad that his back too.

After catching up with the family of course xander went back into business and think. A knock interupted him. "Come in" he called to the person on the other side. His mother walks in. "Look at you" she says smiling.

"Mother is something you need?" He questions. She rubs her palm together, she always does that when nervous. "I..it's skye" his eyes widen. "What is she okay?_what happened" he panicked_his mom smiles.
"No it's just she's back in LA and she is coming here tomorrow for a meeting with me as you know her company is doing well now" his mother informed.

Xander can't help but smile after all these years he will see her. "She doesn't know your back" the Russo's didn't want the media to know so people did not know of Xander's returned.

"Did I ever tell you how proud I am of you to have done this Xander" his mom says and xander furrow his brows at her. "You have money and power to have avoided your sentence yet you did it I like the fact that you accept therapy". She smiles.

"I think it's a very good thing that you had over come your sadism disorder, for doing what you father could never had done"

"What really happened between you and dad mom" xander ask. "Well, in his young years your dad was the most self centered son of a bitch I knew, since you know that he was adopted he had problems with his birth parents turns out they have traumatized him as a young kid they almost killed him in the mass suicide, when your grandfather adopt him he was a very broken kid of course having being suddenly pampered with money and start growing up in it he became a narcissist and a sadist, he kidnapped me_raped me and beat me time to time until, I escaped." She looks at him before continue.

"When he learns that I was pregnant with you he decided to be nice to me for the baby and I can't remember the actual time but here we are. Im Not saying what he did was bad but, sometimes I just hoped that he did something better. Sometimes I wish I did not just fall with him like that you know" she explain.

"The point is i'm proud of you for accepting it im proud that you can accept that you are sick and you need help because not lots of people can accepted." 

"Anyways im going to live you alone you must be exhausted" she says making her way out.

"And mom" she looks back at him. "Thank you "
He sigh and laid back.

He will see her tomorrow after 4 years. He never thought he would say this but, he wanted to hide.

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