In the Eyes of Ellie: 30 Years

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When we pulled apart, we both said, "I love you."

I walked away from Drake as he said, "Don't you dare forget that." 

As he drove off, I sniffled, "I won't." 


I sat at the dining table at Aunt Martha's house. I just came back from the hospital. They had to re-stitch my stitches and give me blood since I lost a lot more than I expected.

I was so worried about Drake. I should have been the one who got shot. Not Drake!

My aunt gave me a plate of flapjacks and kissed my forehead, "Are you alright?"

I shook my head, "I'm worried about Drake."

"Let me get this straight," Aunt Martha crossed her arms, "A man kidnaps you, threatens to kill you, abuses you for money, and you fall in love with him?"

"You missed a part," Amy pointed out, "He helped her, then they fell in love." 

"But he did so much wrong to you! How could you fall in love with a guy like that?" Aunt Martha argued.

I put a fork full of flapjacks in my mouth, then said, "Drake sacrificed so much for me. It's all about love and sacrifice."

"Hey, Ellie!" Dwayne yelled from the couch, "You're on the news!"

I ran to the couch to see what's going on.

"Drake Johnson states that he kidnapped Meadows and took videos of abusing her. He would send these videos to the leader of a group called The Killers. Each and every one of them abuses women. They would get about one hundred to two hundred dollars a video they send." A lady on the news reports.

"Johnson also says that he stopped this act with Ellie. After her ex-boyfriend, Carter Roman, attempt to kill her (and failed) Johnson told him that Ellie Meadows died. And Johnson states he helped Ellie as much as he could." A man said.

The lady on the news continued, "About a week ago, Ellie Meadows got kidnapped by her ex-boyfriend. He was ready to kill her until Drake came. Drake got shot by a gun though. Officer Roger Twitch came right in time to save Johnson. Johnson and Meadows are well and safe. The Killers recently went to trial. Most of the group got thirty years like Drake Johnson. But Carter Roman got forty five years in jail due to an attempt of murder." 

My heart stopped. Thiry years?

"Oh dear," My aunt said.

The kids continued to listen.

But I heard enough.

I didn't want to hear anymore.

Drake was going to be away from me for thirty years.

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