In the Eyes of Ellie: The Talk

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Drake came into my room.

It was time for his money.

I sighed and sat on the floor before he asks me.

He got the whip and started the video.

One smack.

Two smacks.

Three smacks.

Four smacks.

Five smacks.

Drake paused the video.

That's it? Usually, he gives me more smacks than I can count.

Drake kneeled down to me and gave me his hand.

I grabbed it.

There must be a mistake.

First, he gives me a blanket. Then he got me birthday presents. And now, he only hit me five times! And gave me his hand to help me up.

I got to my bed with tears rolling down my face.

I felt Drake lay down next to me, "Why are you crying?"

Why am I crying? Can't he tell? I've been kidnapped and abused!

He rubbed my shoulders again, "I know. It's hard for you."

Drake got up and made his way to the door, "Goodnight."

I didn't answer.

I didn't want to.


I stared up to the ceiling in the afternoon. It was better than staring at bloody walls.

Drake came into my room again.

I wanted to tell him, "What do you want? Did you not hit me enough last night?"

But I said nothing. Just shifted my achy body to the wall so I wouldn't make eye contact with him.

He laid down on my bed, "Hey,"

I didn't answer.

"You don't need to talk to me. I just want you to listen." Drake said.

I didn't look at him. But I was all ears.

"I never wanted this to happen when I was younger. I hated it. I was getting abused by my father. Soon, my brother followed in my father's footsteps. He abused me, my mother, and my little sister." Drake explained.

I remember him telling me his sister died at six years old.

"My sister and I were actually really close. She loved to play with my hair and go for walks," Drake said, "But..."

I took a quick glance at him.

He looked like he was about to cry.

"My dad and my brother didn't want a girl in the house. When my sister was born, they blamed my mom and my sister for being girls. They thought they didn't have a future. They would abuse them. When I tried to protect them, they abused me. One day, they abused me so hard, I couldn't get up. They started hitting my sister and my mom. I was too weak to help them." Drake's voice was shaky.

"I held my sister's hand while she died. It was the worst thing that could happen to me," Drake sniffled, "My mom died with her. I didn't want to follow my father and brother and abuse people as they did. It wasn't until I was 24 and I was living alone. I didn't have much money and I could've lost my house. When I met one of my friends who abused and kidnapped women for money, it felt like I had no choice. I started liking my job and the money I got with it. Then, I got a real job and got more money. I thought, 'Everyone needs an extra one hundred dollars a day. I should just keep doing what I am doing.' But now, meeting you, I feel things are different. No one has ever treated me the way you did. I feel different about this now. But what can I do?"

I thought about Drake's words carefully as he cried.

There might be more to him than cruel.

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