In the Eyes of Ellie: No Happy Birthday

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It's my birthday. Usually, this means I'm going to have a great day and open all my presents and eat a lot of cake.

But not today. Today is going to be filled with bad memories. I'm not going to spend time with my family, see what my ten-year-old cousin Amy made me, or see her triplet brothers Robin and Dwyane rip my presents for me. I can't get those little cards Trisha makes me, or get a handmade necklace that Amber did for me (even though I never wear them). Miley won't make me a painting and Judy won't write me one of her birthday poems.

Instead, I was going to get hit for money. Horray.

I woke up early in the morning crying.

Drake came in with my breakfast.

He was smiling.

But not one of those evil smiles he would usually wear. 

Instead, it was a warm, calm, smile.

He placed the plate on the nightstand then laid down on my bed and rubbed my shoulders.

I know he was just trying to help me, but I continued to cry.

He continued to move his hand back and forth on my arm.

It felt relaxing but scary at the same time. I was scared that Drake would slap me or grab a whip and whip me.

When Drake finally left I sat up and saw what he left me for breakfast.

I was surprised.

Drake left me a whole meal this time.

Two pancakes, three pieces of bacon, and scrambled eggs.

Why would he give me all this food?

Maybe he's trying to trick me into eating it.

He must put poison in it so I could die.

Maybe I shouldn't eat it.

But if it does have poison, I could die and I won't have to deal with all of this anymore.

So I ate the food.


Well, I'm not dead. So the food probably doesn't have poison in it. 

Drake did the same thing he did in the morning. He put down my food and rubbed my shoulders. It may have been because it was my birthday, but whatever the reason, it didn't make much of a difference in my mood.

Noting seems to get better, and everything seems worse. 

The Good in YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora