In the Eyes of Ellie: Changes

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I wake up with tears on my face. This isn't the first time a wake up crying.

I found a blanket on me. I didn't know where it came from but it did a good job of keeping me warm.

Drake came in with my breakfast, "How did you sleep?"

I stared at him confused, "Why?"

"I came in here and you were crying. Did you have a bad dream?" Drake placed my food on the nightstand.

This was the first time he asked me about my sleep.

This was also the first time he didn't hurt me.


"I cry a lot lately," I mumble.

Drake left.

I ate the leftovers that he gave me.

When he came back, he held the cup of water then sat on the bed, "You need to drink water."

"I'm not thirsty," I replied.

"I'd rather you drink this unwillingly instead of dying from thirst." Drake's voice was calm.

But mine wasn't, "Is there really a difference? I'm already dying here."

Drake sighed, "Please?"

I groaned.

I drank the cup then handed it to him.

Why does he care if I drink water or not?

He never cared about me anyway.


Drake came in several times in a day just to ask me, "Are you alright?" or, "How are you feeling?"

I'd always tell him I'm fine.

But I'm not.

Some guy kidnapped me and uses me to make money.

I didn't want this to happen again, but it did.

And I'm still wondering, does he know?

"By the way," Drake said when he placed my dinner, "I never thanked you for helping me. So, thank you."

I didn't answer.

Maybe it's my turn to learn how to say 'Your Welcome'.

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