In the Eyes of Drake: The Necklace

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"You're late. Again," Twitch complained, "And I had to edit your report."

I groaned, "Alright, I'm sorry."

"Why were you late?" Twitch asked, "Did Ellie cry when you left her again?"

I rolled my eyes, "Don't talk about Ellie like that. She's perfect."

It was true.

Ellie was the perfect girl for me.

I loved her and having her with me has just been great.

No matter how much wrong I did to her, she will still love me.

The way I love her.

Twitch smirked, "You two are too cute."

Before I could answer, I got a text.

From Ellie.

Ellie: We need to talk. Now!

Drake: What's up?

Ellie: I hate you!

Drake: What?!? 

Ellie: I'm breaking up with you. You're the worst! Don't talk to me ever again! I'm throwing the necklace you gave me away. I hated it anyway! I don't even know why you gave it to me!

I was shocked.

Why would Ellie talk like this?

I never done did anything to make her break up with me.

"What's going on? You look sick," Twitch asked.

I sat down, unsteadily, "Ellie...broke up with me."

Twitch's eyes widen, "What? guys were so in love?"

I nodded, "Look at her text," I read them out loud, "'I'm breaking up with you. You're the worst. Don't talk to me ever again. I'm throwing away the necklace you..."

"And?" Twitch said.

I paused, "Ellie didn't write this."

Twitch looked at me weirdly, "How do you know?"

I looked up, "I never got Ellie a necklace."

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