In the Eyes of Ellie: Don't

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"Don't," I say, after hearing the whole fight of Drake and the other guy with him.

They both looked at me bewildered.

"I walked here. I didn't have a car with me. A guy with a black ski mask and sunglasses grabbed me from behind and started kicking and punching me. His face was completely covered so I don't know who did it. Then, he stabbed me in the stomach and left. I spotted Drake running out of the house but I blacked out before he got to me." I lied, weakly.

Drake gave me a weak smile with a twinkle in his eyes.

The other guy with him sighed, "Sorry, man. I didn't mean to blame you."

Drake nodded, "It's fine."

The guy sat on the edge of the bed, "But I still think I should call the cops. Just to find out who did this."

I shook my head, "They won't find out. He was completely covered with a mask. I barely could see his eyes."

"You sure?" He asked.

I nodded.

He sighed, "I'm Twitch. Drakes friend."

I took my hand out for him to shake, "Ellie."

A smirk appeared on Twitch's face, "So, your the famous girl Drake likes."

What? What was he talking about? Drake doesn't like me! 

Drake facepalmed himself, "Twitch!"

Twitch shrugged, "I think I should go now."

"Yeah, before I kill you!" Drake growled.

"Bye, Twitch, and thank you for helping me," I say.

After he left, Drake sat down and put his arm around me, "I can't-" 

I scooched away from Drake's arm.

Maybe he was just playing a trick on me.

Drake huffed, "Look, Ellie, I'm sorry. I know it sounds stupid for me to say something like this, but your changing me."

I sighed and forced a weak smile.

"I just don't get why Carter was so determined to do this to you," Drake said.

I sighed, "I do."

Drake looked at me confused.

"Remember when I told you I got abused in my high school years?" I say.

Drake nodded.

"Carter was the one who abused me. He was my boyfriend. Then when I broke up with him, after I found out he abused people. He wanted to get revenge, I guess. He did the same thing you do now. But he only did it for a couple of weeks before I escaped. I went off to college, so he didn't find me, but looks like he still wasn't done with revenge." I explained.

Drake's eyes widen, "What?"

I nodded.

There was a bit of silence after that.

Then finally, Drake said, "I'm never going to hurt you again."

I looked at him, "What?"

"You've been hurt enough," Drake said.

"But, Carter can find out! Or-" I yelled.

"I'll figure something out. You just get some rest." Drake said.

He was right. I was exhausted. 

"One last question," I said, "Why are you starting to be so nice to me? Your job is to kill me not help me,"

Drake sighed, getting off of the bed, "The first step in kidnapping and abusing is to find a way to blame whoever your abusing. I always found a way one way or another. But when you helped me that day, when you healed my bruises, I couldn't find a way to blame you. Not after what you did. So, I changed."

That's when I knew, Drake had actually changed.

I laid down in the bed wincing in pain.

I slowly closed my eyes.

Drake's mouth came close to my ear. For once I wasn't scared of him.

"Ellie, I know you'll never forgive me, but, I'm so sorry for everything I have done to you." He says.

I was too sleepy so I couldn't answer before he left. But already had an answer after what he just did.

I forgive you. 

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