In the Eyes of Ellie: The Interview

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Drake and I made a plan for me. I didn't want to get Drake in trouble, but of course, I couldn't go out there without Carter finding me.

So, I was staying.

It wasn't as bad though. I couldn't stand looking at bloody walls so Drake let me sleep on the couch. There were only three rooms in the one-story house and the third one was full of storage.

Drake allowed me to have my phone and call anyone I want. I didn't tell anyone about Drake, of course.

I was laying on the couch, reading the book Drake got me for my birthday. I was all alone at home because Drake was at work.

When Drake came he threw his keys on the counter and grumbled, "Stupid cops!"

"What happened?" I asked.

Drake pointed at the window, "Take a peek."

I went to the window and moved the curtains very slightly. There were cops and news reporters outside investigating the place.

"What?" I closed the curtains, "What are they doing here? Who told them?"

Just at that moment, the doorbell rang.

Drake opened it and found Twitch, "Hey, what's going on?"

"I was about to ask you that." Drake glared at him.

Twitch rolled his eyes to me and smiled, "Hi, Ellie. Didn't know you were here."

I smiled, "Hi, Twitch."

Drake groaned, "Twitch, did you get the police here? Or did your wife do that?"

I made a weird look, "His wife?"

Twitch shrugged, "I didn't tell Wendy about this so don't blame it on her."

"Alright, so, if your gossip girl wife didn't tell the cops, did you?" Drake asked.

Twitch rolled his eyes, "Whatever, man. They want to see you."

I pulled Drake out to the side, "We can make this work. We could just tell them I don't work well with attention so we can tell them not to put me on the news. It's as simple as that."

Drake huffed, "Are you sure?"

I nodded, "Positive."

Drake sighed, "Twitch only get one of the officers inside. No news reporters and tell them not to report this. Ellie doesn't do well with attention."

Twitch nodded and went outside.

Seconds later, an officer came into the house.

"Ma'am if you mind sitting down here?" The officer pointed to an armchair.

I sat down as he said.

"Your name?" The officer said.

"Ellie Meadows," I say.

"Can you tell me exactly what happened that night?" The officer took his notepad out.

I nodded, "I was walking to Drake's house, then a guy with a black ski mask, black sunglasses, and all-black clothes grabbed me from behind then started kicking a punching me. Then he stabbed me in the stomach and ran away."

"So, he didn't steal anything? Wallet? Purse?" The officer asked.

"No," I say.

Even with his glasses on, I could feel the cop glared at me, "Why would someone stab someone in the stomach for no reason?"


"I saw everything. He was about to steal her phone, but I scared him off." Drake said.

"Okay, that makes sense," The cop wrote this information down, "Is there anyone you suspect in doing this?"

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