Chapter 10: Flattering Chef

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He quickly pull back and scratch the back of his neck. "Ummm I made dinner. I'll bring them here. We can watch a movie while eating." I nod at him and he rush to the kitchen.

Is it normal that my heart flatter?!?! I feel my cheek getting warmer and my heart beats faster. I've been avoiding and staying away from people because of this ability of mine.

And the last time I had a crush on someone was on 11th grade. I didn't confess my feeling to him, but I was rejected as I can listen his thoughts.

But Collin...

"What about me?"

"Oh shoot! You scared me!" Clear your mindddd. He just stares at me weirdly and puts the food on the coffee table.

 He just stares at me weirdly and puts the food on the coffee table

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"Wow, you're really good at cooking..." He smirk and winks at me. "Wait until you taste it. Your mind will be *kaboshh* blown." I couldn't help but chuckle and try the food.

" THIS IS SOOO GOOD! You my friend are a remarkable chef."

He brush of the invisible dust on his shoulder with a proud face. He looks silly.

" Umm no. I look stunning."

"Yeah yeah, whatever helps you sleep at night." He puts down his plate and takes the remote. " I've watched all of the movies from this time. There's not much see anymore. Here you pick then, I'll just rewatch them."

"Wait so is there more Marvel movies in the future?" He casually shake his head.


He burst out laughing so hard and wipes his tears. " You should have seen the look on your face! Of course they didn't stop!"

I put my hand on my chest and sigh in relief. I smack his shoulder which cause him to winch. "Collin! That's not funny. You almost make me drop my food!"

He slowly stops laughing and I pick a movie to watch.

* After the movie

I yawned and stood up. " We should really go to bed now. It's 3 in the morning...

" Yeah, I'm sleepy too. Goodnight, Jay."

" Goodnight, Collin."


I woke up and do my business. As I walk out, I'm welcome with a very alluring smell and its leads me to the kitchen.

 As I walk out, I'm welcome with a very alluring smell and its leads me to the kitchen

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"You impress me once again chef." I giddily walk to the table and take a seat. He sets the table neatly and nicely.

" Do you have to be so fancy?" I raised and eyebrows on him.

" What can I say. I'm extremely passionate in this." He takes a seat infront of me and stares at me with a beaming light in his eyes. He seems excited.

' Eat up!!! I want to see your reaction.

' Okay okay! Chill!.'

" DUDE MMMMMM, THIS IS TOO GOOD. Is there anything you can't cook?"

He chuckles and nods his head. Wait there is??

"Well, human of course." He said it with a duh tone.

" That's out of the option!"

We both continues eating and when we're done, I put our plates in the dish washer.

" Oh hey Jay, we gonna go to school tomorrow. So we need to go shopping for school supplies."

Woah, I totally forgot about school.

" Well you shouldn't. And don't worry we are going at a different school. You won't meet your brother unless you want too." My brothers...

" I don't know if I'll ever want to see them again. They might probably still hate me right now." I sigh and look at my feet.

I hear his footsteps come closer to me. He put his hand on my chin and lift my head. He stare right into my eyes with a sad expression. "One day, they'll realize what they lost."

" And how bout after shopping we go to the amusement park?? Lift up your spirit and have fun. " A huge smile forms on my face and I throw myself on him then hug him tightly.

He chuckles and hugs me back.

" Thank you, Collin..."


Kyle P.O.V

We been trying to search her for 2 days now. I called the police but they still couldn't find her. We check the security camera at the park and she was there.

Suddenly there was a glitch for a few sec on the screen and when it backs to normal. She was gone.

Me and Benjamin are trying our best to be a better brother, we start doing some chores in the house, fix the house and clean her room.

When I enter her room... I couldn't help but shed tears. I treated her so badly and I only realize it when she's gone...

I need to find her.

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