Cuddling together in a blanket fort

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A/N: Apologies for the late uploads constantly! I'm trying to find new scenario ideas! 


-He was asleep at the time. This time, in his room because Reiji had annoyed him. He had his eyes shut, listening to music behind his head.

-He thought he wouldn't be disturbed again, until he heard you knock at the door.

-He didn't answer of course, so you came right in.

-"Shu, can we do something togeth-"

-" No" Straight up rejected you.

- He didn't let you speak after that, until you kept begging him to listen to you.

-" Fine, Y/N. What?"

-He still had his eyes closed.

-"Can we make a blanket fort and cuddle together?"

-"Fine. If it shuts you up."

-You guys made a fort, and it shut him up the most.

-He was asleep on you for the rest of the night.


-He was studying at the time.

-He wouldn't stop studying, only when he needed to cook etc. 

-He was disturbed when you knocked, but let you in either way.

- "Can I help you, Y/n?"

- He looked pretty annoyed to be disturbed, but that was normal.

- "Can we make a blanket fort and cuddle together?"

- "What's the point of this, Y/N? Are you expecting something in return?"

-"No. I just wanna make a blanket fort with you."

-He eventually gave in and agreed after you persuaded him with helping around with looking after the manor. 

-You guys made a fort together. He was cuddling you, but reading the entire time. 


-He was the one who asked you.

-You were just minding your own business then BAM. He was behind you.

- "Oi. Come and spend time with me."

- "What for?"

- "Tch. We're making a blanket fort and cuddling. Who wouldn't want that with me?"

-He didn't even give you a choice, no matter how much you groaned.

-He made you build the entire fort while he watched

-He then cuddled you, making remarks the entire time and teasing you

-Eventually you had to tell him you'd take down the fort so he was quiet.


-He asked you to cuddle with him in a pillow fort after refusing his idea of a tea party

-You refused at first

-He kept pestering you until you eventually agreed

-Like Ayato, he made you build it, judging you when you built it wrong

- "You're doing it wrong! Start again!"

-" Can you not do anything right?!"

-Didn't even say thank you when it was built

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