He asks you out

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A/N: May be a little ooc, sorry!

Shu Sakamaki
-He didn't want to ask you at first.
-Found it stupid that love existed.
-He was alone with his thoughts for a couple days to determine if he really wanted to ask you out or not.
-He liked you, so he did it anyway.
-He asked you to meet him on the school balcony. He didn't want to do it in front of other people.
-You could tell he was nervous about something.
-“Don't speak and let me talk. I like you. Like, a lot.”
-He told you, hoping you'd say yes.
-You accepted, he felt relieved.

Reiji Sakamaki
-This man went all out to prepare. He wanted it to be, special, worth the effort and like he really meant it.
-He asked you to come to a little cafe with him as 'friends'
-He had flowers and everything
-He had to admit, he was nervous, but he kept it together
-You both had a nice dinner with each other
-He paid for everything, which made you feel bad.
-He told you not to worry about it and that's what he should do
-“This is going to seem quite embarrassing for me, so hear me out. Y/N, I've liked you for a while now, and want you to be mine.”
-You accepted.

Ayato Sakamaki
-He was confident as hell and knew exactly what he was doing.
-He wasn't nervous, assuming you'd accept his feelings anyway
-He just wanted to ask you straight up so he didn't really prepare on what to do.
-He asked you to meet him at a local carnival
-You met him there and he stayed with you for most of the night until he led you away to a quieter area
-He had something in his hand, a little necklace
-He handed it to you.
-“Oi. Pay attention to me. I like you, alright. I mean, you like me, don't you? Who wouldn't?"
-You thought he was joking at first, but you eventually accepted.

Kanato Sakamaki
-He was annoyed he even needed to do this.
-He still didn't believe he had feelings for you.
-He spent most of the night before he confessed talking to his teddy about how he would do it.
-He had prepared some stuff like Reiji like some small flowers
-He got heavily teased by Ayato and Laito when he wanted to confess to you.
-He left and asked you to meet him in the manor garden, which you did.
-He Eventually told you after bringing himself to do it.
-“I like you. Y/N-San. But don't think I want to be the one asking this.”
-You accepted.

Laito Sakamaki
-Like when he had feelings, he wanted to go all out.
-He didn't buy you anything (ouch), he didn't think he needed to.
-He had a laugh about it with Ayato when he found out Laito liked you.
-He asked you to meet him on a cliff
-Getting there, he had a picnic scene laid out
-He could be a romantic when he wanted
-You asked what he was doing and he told you to sit down with him
-You did, and he spoke.
-“Y/n San, how would you feel if I confessed to you now? Because I will.”

Subaru Sakamaki
-This boy was nervous af
-He didn't know how to confess
-He blushed every time he thought about confessing to you
-He still wanted it to be special but he didn't want to spend a lot.
-He got you some roses from the garden and some chocolates from the store.
-He asked you to meet him at a park at night
-You did and he went red faced as soon as he saw you.
-He handed you your gifts without saying anything, causing you to ask what he was doing.
-“Tch. I-I like you, alright?! T-Tch.”
-You accepted.

Kino Sakamaki
-He really confessed to you over the phone.
-He couldn't be bothered to confess in person so he asked you to call him when you were on your free break since he didn't have lessons that day
-You guys had a normal phone call at first
-He wasn't nervous and wanted you to know asap
-He asked you if you were single, to his surprise, you were
-He straight up asked you after that.
-“Well. We know a lot of people like me, so do you? Because I like you, a lot.”

Ruki Mukami
-He was calm and collected about it.
-Almost like Reiji
-He had prepared a few things
-He got you some flowers, a letter he wrote himself, and a ring for you
-He was confident and ready to ask you
-He asked you to meet him at the Mukami balcony
-You did and he told you to close your eyes
-You closed your eyes and he prepared the gifts he got for you and told you to open your eyes.
-Once you took the gifts, he spoke.
- “Y/n, I really like you. You're perfect to me, and I want you to be mine, and mine only.”
-You accepted

Kou Mukami
-His fangirls were jealous to find out Kou liked you
-Some of his nice fangirls helped him ask you out.
-Your best friend was also in on this, helping him
-He got you some food from the store and some flowers
-He wanted everyone to know he liked you, so he asked you to be backstage for one of his concerts
-While performing, he had a break to answer questions from his fans
-He answered one about relationships
-“I do like someone, hehe. Her name is Y/N, and she's here right now”
-He winked at you, you got embarrassed before you accepted.

Yuma Mukami
-He didn't trust many people after his past with Shu, so he had to ask Kou for help
-He just needed the moral support
-He was embarrassed about it but didn't want to admit it.
-He didn't want to do it at first, until Kou told him too and stop being a baby
-He forced himself to do it after being teased about it.
-He asked you to meet him in the schools garden
-Meeting him there, he was nervous and didn't speak until you did.
-“Tch. Let me speak. I like you, fool.”

Azusa Mukami
-He had to ask you over text message because he was too shy to ask you in person
-He even texted you when you were in the same room as him so he could see your face
-He was nervous and blushing when asking you, even over text.
-He already planned out what he was going to say, Ruki helped him with that.
-“Y/N San..I really...like you and wondered... would you go..out with me?”

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