Them helping you study

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Shu Sakamaki
-He really didn't care about studying that much.
-He might not of shown it, but he was quite smart.
-So, when you asked him to help you study, it was a lot of convincing
- “Hey Shu. Can you help me study for the exam I have tomorrow?”
-“No. Why should I?”
- “Please. Just help me. I'll cook you steak.”
-His eyes opened when you mentioned his rare steak, and he sat up after.
- “Fine. Come here.”

Reiji Sakamaki
-He was the one who mentioned helping you study.
-Your grades were going down, and if course he was mad, but he helped you out.
-He had everything prepared, the water, the study snacks.
-He was strict, but, he made sure you understood everything.
- “Sit back down. You're not going until you understand how to do this problem.”
- “I'll explain it again if I have to. Honestly, rude of you to get up and leave.”

Ayato Sakamaki
-Bold of you to assume this man had good grades.
-He couldn't help you. At all.
-He made fun of you when you asked for his help.
- “y/n, you're quite funny. What makes you think I have good grades?”
-You wanted to slap him for giving you the embarressment, but you didn't.
- “Tch. Why didn't you ask me about basketball. I could help you with that no problem.”
-He wouldn't stop complaining after.

Kanato Sakamaki
-He hated the word school.
-What makes you think he'd help you?
-He actually screamed at you when you asked him for help studying.
-He was harsh af with you.
-No matter how many times you asked him, he said no all the time.
-Eventually you gave up and asked Reiji.

Laito Sakamaki
-He teased you when you said you needed help.
- “Laito-Kun..can you, help me study for my exam?”
- “Eh, you want me to help? Fufu, why should I do it for free?”
-He didn't really have good grades either, but he'd be willing to help, even if he taught you wrong.
-Not prepared at all
-Also wouldn't do it for free. He'd want payment for spending his time on boring work.
-Tease you every time you got frustrated.

Subaru Sakamaki
-He got more embarressed that you asked HIM for help. Out of all people.
- “T-tch. Why the hell should I help you study? Go ask Reiji or something.”
-Pushed you away many times
-He couldn't stop blushing when he realised you depended on him for help
-He wasn't very focused in his classes so he couldn't help you at all.
-But, he helped you the best he could.
-Said hardly anything while helping you.

Kino Sakamaki
-Oh boy. Expect this man to tease the hell out of you when you ask for help.
- “You? Needing help to study? What are you, stupid?"
-He wouldn't help you.
-He just wanted to finish the game on his phone.
-He was actually pretty smart, he just didn't want to help you.
-“Oh be quiet will you? I'm trying to play my game here.”
-He gave up and helped you after you took his phone away.

Ruki Mukami
-Just like Reiji, he was very prepared.
-He made sure you had something to eat and drink first.
-He'd make you study with him for HOURS
-He accepted willingly.
-“What? You want me to help you study? Fine. My room after dinner.”
-Actually pretty relaxed.
-He'd make sure you'd stay focused
-He didn't mind, and he'd go over things multiple times.

Kou Mukami
-Thought you were joking at first.
-Laughed at you.
-“You want me as a study tutor? Oh, y/n you never fail to amuse me. Please, say something else to make me laugh at your stupidity.”
-Harsh at first.
-He accepted, but couldn't keep serious throughout.
-Distracted himself from helping you.
-He was actually quite smart.
-Easily bored and wanted you to dance with him multiple times

Yuma Mukami
-“Hey, Yuma, can you help me study-”
-Didn't help you, at all.
-he'd say no, doesn't matter how many times you asked.
-“Stop relying on me for your mistake of getting distracted in class.”
-Hated class with a passion, so he found no reason to help you.
-Said he was too busy with his garden when you knew for a fact he wasn't.
-Eventually got angry with you asking him

Azusa Mukami
-“Hey, Azusa..can you help me study?”
-“Oh...sure...I can”
-Shy to help you because he didn't want to mess anything up.
-Always got closer to you little by little.
-Made sure you were comfortable or if you needed anything
-He was there for you when you stressed out because you couldn't get it right.
-He wanted to go to his hobbies, but he stayed with you.

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