He develops feelings for you

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Shu Sakamaki
-He had been acting strange recently.
-He seemed to be acting a lot more confident when you were around.
-He usually wasn't very nice, but with you, he was keeping his cool.
-He managed to hide his blushing face whenever he would talk with you, but it was clear something bothered him.
-Everytime you brought up relationships or people you liked, he would always say something like,
-“Well, what if someone you know liked you?”
-Always leaves you curious

Reiji Sakamaki
-He was never good with feelings.
-Always good at hiding if he liked someone though.
-From when you became friends, he was strict with you.
-Now since he liked you, he became even more strict.
-He would do anything to make sure you didn't know he liked you.
-Often asks about your personal life to know more about you.
- “Y/N, stop messing about and do this like I asked you to, Please.”
-Secretly hated having to yell at you sometimes 👀

Ayato Sakamaki
-This man really didn't care if you found out if he liked you or not.
-He'd rather you know then keep it a secret.
-However, he is TERRIBLE at hiding his blush. He could just hear your name and blush
-Always tries to make moves on you, but not anything too dramatic
-Gets very jealous when others talk about liking you
- Every now and then he'd bring up talk about relationships and then shoot it down
-“Oi. I need to talk to you about something.”

Kanato Sakamaki
-He didn't even want to tell himself he had feelings for you
-He didn't like the fact he fell in love with a human
-Kinda like Ayato, terrible at hiding his blushing face
-However, he'd rather you not know
-Never talks about his feelings with you
-You didn't even see anything different in him
- “Shut up you annoying mortal. I don't know where you got that from, but it's not me.”

Laito Sakamaki
-He was the first person to let you know
-He wanted you to know
-He rushed over to you in your lunch break and asked to talk with you
-His face was all blushy blushy but he didn't care
-He straight up told you he liked you and expected you to like him back
- “y/n channn. Did you know I like you ?”

Subaru Sakamaki
-This boy was not good with his feelings, AT ALL
-Hated everytime someone would talk about relationships
-Never asked you about it because he feared you'd be scared of him.
-Alsi terrible at hiding his blush
-Would get angry when questioned about his blush saying it's just too warm
- “Tch. Shut up, idiot. I don't have feelings for you.”

Kino Sakamaki
-He found it funny when he fell in love with you
-Didn't deny his feelings for you
-He'd causally talk to you about relationships like it was nothing
-He'd hit on you for a 'joke'
-He never did blush, or he was good at hiding it
- “What makes you think I like you?”

Ruki Mukami
-He was one of the more calmer ones when finding out he had feelings for you.
-Understood his feelings
-He didn't make a fuss and simply let his feelings go
-He never did blush, he found it petty to get blushy
-He would talk to you like you guys were still friends
-Sometimes he would treat you different, but that's very rare of him
- “Calm yourself down. Who's going to fall for you?”

Kou Mukami
-This man got excited when he developed feelings for you
-Wanted you to know, but wanted it to be special.
-He would blush, but always say that he heard something embarassing
-Would always have his brothers teasing him about it
-He wouldn't mind the teasing, and would go along with it
-"eh..what it I did have feelings? What's it matter to you ?”

Yuma Mukami
-he became Agressive when he had feelings for you
-He hated admitting he fell in love
-He'd be teased constantly, usually ending in him fighting with his brothers
-does anything to distract himself
-never spoke to you since he had feelings
-“Tch. I don't have feelings for her !”

Azusa Mukami
-he became extremely shy when he liked you
-he would still speak to you, but would get embarressed at the topic of relationships
-didnt want you to find out because he was scared you'd hate him
-he had to talk to Ruki to find out if it was normal 🥺
-he had to hide his feelings which was hard seeing you not know
-“Is it..normal to...like her?”

A/N: Hope these weren't to ooc!

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