Meeting Them

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Note- y/n means your name

Note: some of the characters may be a bit ooc

Shu Sakamaki
You met him in the night school. It was first period, English and of course, he wasn't there. Your teacher had asked you to go and find him for the lesson since they had a test. You knew he'd be in the music room, so you went there. To no surprise, he was there, asleep, earbuds in his ears.

“Excuse me. Sorry to disturb you. I'm in your class. Uhm, sensei wants you for English class.

He didn't go of course, and you were left to go back without him.

Reiji Sakamaki
You both were in your science class and had to work together for a project. You were quite shy, but willing to work with him. You had some questions to do and some potions to make. You were doing what you were supposed to, until you messed up and got him shouting at you.

“Oh dear. Can you please do something right like it tells you to?”

Let's just say, you didn't like him already.

Ayato Sakamaki:
You met in basketball. You wanted to join a club to pass some time, and nothing else seemed to interest you. He was playing against another boy from a class above you. He didn't notice you at first, until the coach announced your presence to the group.

“Oi. Another female? She's kinda cute.

You heard the compliment and shook it off.

Kanato Sakamaki
You didn't really meet Kanato properly, and only met him when school was over. He noticed you as you were walking out with one of your friends, holding a bag of some gifts. It was your birthday that day, and he didn't like that attention you had.

“Ne..who's that? With the bag? Is she special?”

Luckily, you hadn't heard it, but noticed him glancing and glanced back.

Laito Sakamaki
He approached you. You had come out from the nurse after getting hurt in your pe class. He had been watching you before that and was now waiting outside, scaring you as you left the room. He had a smirk on his face, because he found you cute.

Fufu. I've been looking for you~ did you hurt yourself? How cute

He teased, you have a glance and walked off from the pervert.

Subaru Sakamaki
You met with Subaru quite oddly. You met in the rose garden when you were on your lunch break. You didn't notice him at first because he was so quiet. You only noticed him when he felt annoyed by your presence and told you to get out of 'his' garden.

Oi. What the fuck are you doing? Get lost.”

You didn't hesitate to leave the area.

Kino Sakamaki
You guys met in computer class. You had to study apps and you were tasked to make an app to bring awareness for something. You brought awareness for helping the homeless. You had noticed he wasn't doing anything and instead on his phone. Since you were nice, you asked him if he needed help and he snapped back.

“Help? From you? No, don't even ask me that stupid question again.”

You didn't like him already.

Ruki Mukami
You met Ruki when you were studying in the library for an exam. You had multiple books on your table trying to study for maths. You began to struggle, and he noticed this. He wasn't going to help you at first, until you looked desperate.

“Do you need help?”

You gave a smile, and he sat down to help you.

Kou Mukami
You met him in music class. He didn't do the classes, but he just went there to annoy Shu for entertainment. You were collecting up some sheets because you had kareoke with a friend when you could see Shu being tormented. You asked Kou to stop, and he glanced at you with a grin.

“Eh...? Who's this? Did you need a girl to stick up for you? How lame, Shu-Kun.”

Either way you ended up yelling at him that you didn't know him or Shu.

Yuma Mukami
You met him in Gardening class. It wasn't really a class, and was more or less an after-school activity you did. You had been paired up after everyone else did since everyone begged to be with him and they got rejected. You didn't speak to him at all and just focused on planting your little poppies, but he spoke to lighten the mood.

“Oi, shorty. Were partners, don't ignore me.

You got annoyed by the nickname and started a conversation after.

Azusa Mukami
You didn't meet him in class, and met him on the way home. It had began to rain and you forgot your umbrella. Your jacket was soaked so you had to remove it. No one bothered to help you when you sneezed, but he noticed. He felt bad and approached you with an umbrella. can have...mine..

You thanked him with a smile and used the umbrella to get home.

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