You Get Injured

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A/N: these will be scenarios instead of headcannons!

A/N: apologies for the late upload. I've been very unmotivated lately but I'm getting back into gear!

Shu Sakamaki
-you were in the library with him. He was asleep against one of the couches, and you were searching for some books that you needed to study. Of course, he wasn't paying attention to you, but you could hear the music he was playing. Classical. You found the book, but of course it was on the top shelf. So, you had to get up on your toes to try and reach. But, your balance fell causing some of the books to fall on you.

He watched you fall and grinned slightly at how stupid you looked, only shutting his eyes after. "Don't you ever learn to be more careful?" when you didn't reply, his eyes peeped open, looking at your injured form on the floor. Seems you were actually hurt. The fall had stopped you from speaking for a moment, and he stayed with you to make sure you were alright. Luckily, you were and only got a small concussion.

Reiji Sakamaki
You were in Reiji's room with him. You on his bed, him at the desk, studying away and hardly paying any attention to you. He was multitasking and you were just on your phone.
"Y/N. Please do me a favour and hand me that book that you're by."
He requested he favour from you, and you went to get his book. You should've studied how heavy his books were because this was heavy and pages thick. You couldn't even carry the book before it dropped on the floor with a thud, hitting your feet as it did so.

He tsked at the sound, knowing what happened before it did, and he scolded you.
"Don't you know how to be more careful?"
"It's not my fault your books are heavy!"
You snapped back but stopped to see his expression. He looked annoyed as he came over to you, holding a bandage. Your foot would need wrapping up. He knew it already. He told you to sit down and take off your shoes and socks as he knelt in front of you.
"'re so clumsy, it's ridiculous..."
he teased before bandaging your foot.

Ayato Sakamaki
You were at the gym with him, watching him play basketball against a boy. He had been in a bet that he was determined to win. Seems the boy couldn't handle it, so he began to get aggressive. You were just there, watching.
"Oi. This is a one on one. Stop bringing other people in."
"Why, can't you handle it?"
The boy was teasing Ayato and that made him Mad.
"Oi! I can take you on one and one any day! Watch me!"

The boy was shooting. He threw the ball after bouncing it on the floor three times. It was meant to go to the other side of the court, but due to his clumsy ness and stress it came right for you. And then bam. It hit you, right in the face. Ayato laughed at first, until he could tell that you were seriously hurt. The ball dropped and your hand landed on your nose, feeling blood spill onto it.
"Oi! What the hell did you do?"
You were in shock, but you could tell Ayato was fuming. He was staring right at the boy who hurt you, who was already planning his escape. You on the other hand, had a broken nose.
"Ayato, I think he broke my nose."
You complained to him. He wasn't dealing with it though, he took you to the nurse before coming back for the guy.

Kanato Sakamaki
You both were in cooking class. He was already mad because you weren't able to cook him what he desperately wanted, meaning you both had to cook savoury dishes. You chose sushi and he just wasn't cooking at all. He left all the cooking to you.
"Can you help out?"
"No. You can do it yourself, y/n, since you're not cooking me what I want"
You just had to listen to him complain while you focused on the cooking. You had the hob on, and were trying to not get burnt.

But of course you got distracted and burnt yourself accidentally. You hissed as you moved your stinging hand away. He took notice of this and clicked his tongue. He already knew what happened.
"Did you burn yourself? Here, let me have a look."
He didn't even look. He just took your hand and licked it, face scrunching by the bitter taste. He dropped your hand.
"Your hand is burnt like I thought. Disgusting. Take care of yourself so me and teddy can enjoy the taste of your blood, right teddy?"
In the end, he didn't help you at all.

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