Seeing that another flashlight died in her hands she groaned with a bit of frustration, gaining back the attention of the mechanical teen.

"Could you stop doing that? I can't see anything if you will drain every single battery i make." She asked, causing him to look at the small light in her hands. His gaze grew a bit more intense for a moment, making the black haired girl weary but after few seconds life returned to her flashlight.

Looking with wonder at the device in her hands she again saw this strange dust flowing out of it. Following it with her gaze when it started to move, she tracked it traveling back into his body via the vents to the sides of his torso.

"Can you repair this thing? Maybe we could make it work together?" Momo asked him.

His eyes returned to the generator before him, and a thick dust cloud flew out of him making the girl step back. With wonder in her eyes she observed how it seeped into the old device, and how the old power generator slowly started to shine as if it was just made.

"Wow, how are you doing it? It looks so cool!" Momo asked looking a bit closer in childish wonder.

After few minutes the process took, the dust slowly flew back into his body. The glow of his eyes was significantly dimmed comparing it to before though, so she stepped closer and opened the fuel tank.

Concentrating on making the fuel she closed her eyes to better imagine what she was doing. After few seconds the room lighted up a bit with the shine of Creation, a small stream of gasoline flowing from her fingertips into the tank.

Deciding that it would be best to fill it up entirely it took her a few minutes to produce so much of the liquid. After finishing, the black haired girl looked for some form of a switch to turn it on. There was one labeled start/stop but flipping it on did not do anything. Gripping a strange handle she pulled it slowly, revealing a long steel line. With a puzzled expression she suddenly remembered seeing this thing in a movie.

Releasing it back into the machine, she grabbed it tightly and yanked it out again, the engine coughed up a cloud of white smoke but stalled. She repeated it a few times, and with a yell of frustration she pulled it with all her strength by the tenth time, using both hands.

The generator came to life, sputtering and misfiring a few times before it become stable. She created a small light-bulb with a cord and plugged it into one of the sockets. The single lamp lighted up the whole room, and for the first time Momo truly looked around.

On the opposite side of the room from the entrance were a few tables, littered with tools and few clipboards. A slight shiver ran down her back when she saw busted angle grinders, saws and drills. Looking back to the armored boy in the center, now with better light she saw a few places that those tools we broken on. All of the efforts seams to be centered around the glass like triangle at the center, even with the better light she couldn't see anything inside.

Getting a bit tired by all the excitement of the day she sat near the platform in the center, leaning on one of the legs of the green boy. Closing her eyes to the rhythmical work of the generator she didn't know when the sleep took her.


There was nothing. No villains threatening the world with the unwilling help of the terrified small girl, not even simple kidnappers wanting fast cash. David didn't know what more to do to help his friend find his daughter. He even abused his high position on I-island to use it's advanced technology but to no avail.

His own daughter, Melissa, was still hugging the sleeping form of Meiya. The black haired woman was a mess, her hair were sticking in all directions and the makeup on her face ran down in black lines, only making the whole scene more heartbreaking. Nearly 20 hours from the kidnapping and none of the known villain groups claimed to be responsible for it.

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