Chapter 1

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"Mom" I screamed from my room.

"What" she screamed, like she wants to kill me.

"Can you bring me my phone?" I asked harshly.

"You get off your lazy ass and get it yourself" she screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Wow" I mumbled "she's mad."

I go down stairs and see my twin brother Max making out with his girlfriend Stacy.

"Get a room"

"what are you doing here"

"Well I live here, so I think I can be here"

"Leave, NOW!" He screams.

"Whatever" I say when walk into the kitchen.

I find my phone on the counter with a text message. Its from sarah!!

S= Sarah, E= Emma

S-Hey how are you??

E- great what about you?

S- Awesome, so your birthdays coming up soon.

E- Please don't do anything special. I'm turning 16 years old, and I don't need something special.

S- Okay.

End of conversation


"Emma" I hear my brother yell.

"What do you want?" I scream.

"Come help me make supper" He screams.

"I can't I'm busy right now" I tell him once he's in my room.

"Emma, your brother needs your help. Help him make the supper." She yells up the stairs.

"Why can't you help him?" I ask her.

"Emma get your butt down her now and make supper." She screams at the top of her lungs.


Once I'm done making supper, and we start eating, my brother asks me "So why did you have to barge in on Stacy and I?"

"Well for one I was looking for my phone's, and the other reason is, I wasn't.You to were making out on the couch, what do you expect "

"First off, it didn't really look like you were looking for your phone, and second, I expected you to not talk to us."

" Wait a minute..." my mom starts say. "You and Stacy were making out!?" My mom asks mad.

"Mom, I wasn't talking to you." He tells her.

"What?" She says annoyed.

"I mean... Can't we talk about this later?" He says trying to get out of trouble.

"We are talking g about this NOW, I told you, you couldn't even date till you were 18!" She screams.

"Mom, I told you that I was dating her." He says.

"Nope, I don't think so." She's says still screaming.

"Mom please." He says scared.

"No I don't want you seeing her again. You are grounded for a month." She screams and takes her plate and stormed off.


Sorry if this chapters to short. I hope you like it so far. :) keep on reading.

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