Chapter 22: An explanation.

Start from the beginning

Yuma wasn't surprised to find that Kite was standing with Tori, who Yuma thought concerned and stressed. He could understand her concern since some of her friends had been in the same room as a gun wielding, mad, shape-shifting imposter. But he thought the stress might be about him asking her to keep a secret. He felt terrible. Then they saw Vector.

"Why weren't in class?" Shark asked sounding like a parent scolding a child, "It important to keep up appearances."

"I might have been preparing a prank in the locker room." Vector said, not meeting Shark's hard glare. Everyone knew that 'might' was an admission that he had skipped class to be up to no good. Yuma wondered if the trickster was even able of controlling himself.

"So tell us everything that happened." Flip demanded of Mizar, Rio, Shark, Yuma and Caswell. They each explained what had happened, Astral appearing to listen to Yuma's part of the story in particular. Part way through the recount of events, the stressed look on Tori's face broke him. So he decided to tell the group what he'd told Tori that morning, about the Barian cards. He had of course whispered in Shark's ear that he was going to do this. To say Tori looked somewhat relieved was a weight off of Yuma's shoulders, especially when Astral wasn't looking particularly happy.

"Why did you keep this from us Yuma?" Astral asked with his arms folded and a disappointed tone.

"Because I didn't want a repeat of what happened last time with Vector," Yuma explained, hoping no one guessed the real reason he had Barian cards, especially Astral, "and I didn't know how everyone would react because of that. And Tori I am so sorry I put you in the same position that Rei put me in. I shouldn't have."

"That's ok Yuma." Tori said.

What followed were some general comments on the questionable actions of Yuma from his human friends. But he also got some understanding from them. However Yuma did notice two things. Firstly that Kite actually didn't say anything, and secondly that Vector was looking both impressed and smug. Yuma hoped Vector didn't open his mouth. But doubted any of the others would believe him if he said anything.

"Yuma," Astral said, floating in place as the large group started to leave, "can I have a word with you? In private."

"Sure." Yuma said. Shark moved to walk with his sister, while Yuma and Astral followed out of earshot.

"You're not going to help me find the 8th Barian are you?" Astral asked getting straight to the point.

"I won't betray Shark." Yuma answered honestly, "Besides, that isn't the key issue right now. Proteus is. The police might have him now, but if he is as powerful as a god then this isn't over. But Astral, I wasn't lying when I said, if the 8th Barian challenges us to a duel, I would help you duel them."

"I do agree that Proteus is the big problem," Astral said, "but you're apathy on the Barian issue is ... problematic."

"Astral, I must put Shark before you," Yuma explained his thoughts, which were a mess as he figured his half truth out, "he will always protect his people, and because he's my boyfriend, and I love him, and on principle he has never lied to me, I will stand by him. Also I can't believe the 8th Barian is a threat. I mean what do you know about them?"

"Only that when the first 7 Barians find and welcome the 8th a danger will come." Astral answered, hoping to persuade Yuma. "Have you noticed anyone new during your time with the Barians? Have they told you anything about the 8th Barian?"

"No." Yuma answered, "And because you're almost always in the key, Shark and the others haven't said anything. Not that I would ask them. Besides I am sure Shark doesn't want to put me in a position where I would have to lie to you Astral, because you are my friend. Yeah, I might have been a little resistant when you came back, but the bond of friendship we have, that I really value. But I really think that once Proteus is gone, the 8th Barian won't be an issue."

"I have my orders, Yuma." Astral said.

"I know." Yuma replied, trying not to sound too upset, "But maybe they need to be reconsidered after all the new information. After all, have the Barians done anything that has threatened any of us since you got back?"

"No." Astral answered.

"Would I have fallen in love with Shark if he was truly evil?" Yuma asked.

"No, because you are a good person, and a better judge of character then myself." Astral answered, "I think I will discuss this with the other Astral beings." Astral disappeared, leaving Yuma hoping the orders would change. He hated keeping secrets. But his life was in danger if Astral found out. The only one he knew would keep the secret were his fellow Barians. It was their nature to help and protect each other.

As Yuma was about to catch up to his friends, Kite caught his arm and had an unreadable look on his face. Yuma could tell Kite also wanted to talk to him alone. So they stayed out of ear shot, Tori looking back smiling but still looking concerned.

"Look," Kite whispered to him, "Yuma, I can tell you are hiding something. Tori has told me every concern she has for you. Says that you haven't been acting like yourself for a while."

"Everyone knows the reasons for that." Yuma said softly.

"I doubt depression and then falling in love cause the strange behaviour Tori has witnessed," Kite said, "I just don't want Tori to get hurt or upset again. I have my suspicions and I know Shark, and Rio must know what's going on with you, and I trust you have a good reason for keeping your secret, whatever it is, but I won't forgive you if it hurts Tori."

"I am not hiding anything, Kite." Yuma lied, almost too easily.

"I wish I believed you," Kite said, "But I don't want to know either. If you're keeping a secret you must believe someone's life or safety is threatened if it gets out. But I don't want to know because I don't want to lie to Tori, ok. But if you need help, let me know."

"Kite, could you make me a promise." Yuma said, continuing when Kite nodded, "If a time comes that I have to go away, or I disappear, can you keep everyone safe. I know you're strong enough to do that."

"Of course Yuma." Kite agreed.

Relieved Yuma jogged up to Shark's side and whispered to him everything that had just happened. Maybe things were going to improve. Hopefully he wouldn't have to hide anymore.

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