I'm So In Love With you

Start from the beginning

"Are you crazy?"

"Probably. But I've been through worse," he shrugged. "I hope that you'll never have to put these skills to use, but you never know." Leo nodded for her to go on.

"Crucio," Melody said hesitantly. Leo fell to the ground, but Melody instantly lifted the curse after he fell. "Was that not painful?" She asked guiltily.

"Oh, that hurt like hell," Leo admitted. "I just didn't show it. Don't give them the satisfaction."

"What are we going to learn next after this?" Asked Melody.

"Melody, you're pretty much done. Me and Lia taught you everything we could. I mean, you're in more control of your magic than you've ever been. You know how to defend yourself."

She chuckled. "Thank you."

Leo nudged Melody's shoulder. "Now you can get back to your boyfriend," he smirked.


"James' kid, Harry."

"He's not my boyfriend," she said.

"Fooled me."

"I mean, we've kissed a few times, but we never really defined what we were. It's hard to define something that was never clear."

"You like him, and he likes you. Just pop the damn question," he groaned impatiently. "Not the marriage question-have a long way before then."

"You're one to talk. Have you 'popped the question' to my mom?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Fair point."


A week later, Melody returned to school full time. Students were shocked to actually see her in the Gryffindor common room since she hadn't been there in three months. She met with her friends first and filled them in on everything.

"Your dad let you use the Cruciatus Curse on him?" Ginny asked shockingly.

"He insisted upon it."

"Again, you have the coolest dad ever."

"He threatened to kill me," Harry said bluntly.

"He was probably kidding," Ginny added.

Harry shook his head. "He wasn't. He said-and I quote-'I'm not joking.'"

"Good luck, mate." Ginny patted him on his back. "I have to go meet up with my amazing girlfriend," she bragged. Then she left the room.

"How much did I miss?" Melody asked and turned to Harry.

"Haylee and Ginny started dating a few months ago. That's what they meant to tell you on your birthday," he explained.

"I knew it!" She exclaimed. "George owes me and Fred ten gallons!"

"You were betting on this?" Harry laughed.

"I've been betting on this ever since I left. Easy money," she shrugged. "I'll be back. I'm going for a walk."

"It's raining outside."

"And that's what makes it more memorable."

"Then I'll join you," Harry offered.

The two intertwined fingers and strolled into the garden. She danced in the rain for what felt like hours; in reality, it was only twenty minutes. But something about them being together made it feel like hours.

Melody felt the rain piercing her skin as each drop fell. Her hair had been soaked, and her clothes were drenched. Harry's clothes were also inundated. His hair was messier if possible, but his attention was elsewhere. He watched as Melody twirled in a puddle and the water sprinkling from her hair.

He swore he could memorize everything about her face, how her nose scrunched at the smell of anything terrible, how her eyebrows furrowed when she was confused, how her lips would curl into a smile when she couldn't be mad at you.

I'm so in love with you, he thought.

I'll Still Love You Tomorrow | Harry J. PotterWhere stories live. Discover now