"How about a fucking NO?"


"Alright then, I'll just head in. Have fun guys!" I snorted and stood up with my coffee and iPad.

"Wait, we need to talk about-"

"No, 'we' need to talk." Interrupted Mike, pointing between him and Eugene.

"We could afterwards but this is important." Eugene entreated. I sensed that something wasn't right hearing how his voice quivered at the end so I sat abruptly.

Mike went quiet after that and sat down as well. I looked at him expectantly wanting him to elaborate.

"Well, I've done a little investigation after you said as to why you're here and to my surprise guess what I've found? The A&L hotel site may or may not be safe for you guys to visit. " He warned. He's just being his obstreperous self again.

"I knew something was up when Connor said about it. I don't know why he would want us to get in trouble. And I've always abhorred him anyway." Confessed Mike with a scowl.

"It can't be that bad. I mean-" Pressing my lips tightly, I closed my eyes heaving a sigh.

"Oh! It can get real dirty. I would advise you to at least keep Axel out of it." He suggested with narrowed eyes.

"I wasn't planning to take him anyway! He's staying with you while we're away!" I replied, tugging on my bottom lip. There's no way I would be taking Axel along with me. I never do when we are away because mostly like my enemies would have an option to take revenge on me and I can't risk it.

"What? Dude this is dangerous-" he chimed while rubbing an eyebrow. It has been so long since I have seen him this disturbed. The last time he was this anxious was when his dog got lost while he was on his way to Indonesia.

"I know, the reason I said he's going to be with you and I'm sure you're gonna keep him safe." I understand that he's worried about me but at the same time, Axel needs someone capable to stay with him in case something dangerous happens. And knowing Eugene, he would probably give up his life to save Axel.

"What I mean is, I'm needed there. I wanna tag along." Eugene let each word out, gritting his teeth.

"No, it won't be necessary. I'm enough to protect him." Growled Mike who has been listening to our conversation silently, which shut Eugene from going on about it further. It makes me wonder at times why Eugene's afraid of Mike whenever he's angry because to me he looks 'hella' funny. And they both go back to their usual self as soon as it happens as if it didn't happen at all.

"So you guys want me to babysit Axel? My favourite baby among you three? I wonder what you would do if I wasn't here." In an instant, his mood changed and you could see his eyes sparkling with joy.

"Only thing that you're good at!" Mocked Mike which earned him a punch on his shoulder. There, there. Back to usual self.

"Oh so that you both could go on a date, huh?" Eugene mocked back with a raised eyebrow.


"We are not dating." I denied it instantly. He must have heard this from Axel.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2021 ⏰

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