The Match and The Deal

Start from the beginning

Following every step he takes, I cautiously guide him with an arm guarding his back in case he loses his footing. Haiji's condition after the surgery has improved a lot and he can already walk for most of the time but he still has to come for monthly checkup. Last year was a lot harder since he needed to use a cane sometimes. Nevertheless, Haiji never gave up but kept on being optimistic to recover completely.

"Congratulations Haiji-san! This is the fastest record of a complete ten rounds of walking without support. I could say that this is the last day you have to come here for a walking session check up. I'll hand the report to the doctor to get his approval", I was about to excuse myself when he grabbed my wrist. Understanding his pull on my wrist and the pleading gaze of his brown eyes, I nod and place the cardboard I'm holding on the seat then give my full attention in front of him. As his physical therapist in this hospital, it is my duty to watch over his status of recovery as well as his overall condition. Taking a gulp from his bottle of water, he let go of my wrist and leaned on the cushion of the seat.

"(Y/N)-san, can you turn off the work mode for a bit?", Haiji asked, referring to my formal tone and style of speaking I used during work. Loosening the stiff posture I had worn, Haiji smiled at my obedience. "I haven't told you this but I found a chance to grasp my dream. After graduating, I'm going to work as a coach in a running team under a new corporation. We'll recruit new members and train them to get into competition. For that, I need you along by my side like you have always done", he said, locking his gaze with mine. "Hold out your hand (Y/N)-san", obeying his order without questioning, I hold out my right hand in front of him.

Rummaging through his jacket, Haiji takes out his hand that has formed in a fist. Cocking my eyebrows in confusion, I tilt my head as he places his fist on my palm. His hand felt warmer than mine after the physical exercise. "Will you consider spending your time together with me forever?", Haiji asked, at the same time, unfolding his fist which resulted in placing a small silver circle-shaped thing on my palm. My eyes widen at the sight of a small plain silver ring laying on my palm. This is...

"A ring?", I questioned, bringing my hand closer to get a better view. The light reflected on the smooth surface of the jewelry glistening as I moved my hand around. "Haiji-san, what you said just now...", I trailed while inspecting the ring. "Didn't you ask the same thing during Christmas? You know, the time when you were drunk at Fujioka-san's house", I said, gesturing my index finger around to recall the past event. "And I said 'yes' then... Is this ring perhaps a symbol of reassurance? Don't tell me you doubt my words, Haiji-san", I give him a warning glare while clutching the ring in a fist. Giving me a few blinks, Haiji then let out a heartily chuckle.

"I should have expected this from a no-experience romance (Y/N)-san. Hahaha, did you properly study with Ouji?", Haiji mocked me, totally ignoring the attention he has attracted from the public.

"Wha-! I warned you not to say that and I am properly studying with Ouji-senpai...", I seethe in anger, controlling my emotion as a future-professional therapist in the hospital. "Then, tell me what does this ring mean", I demanded after clearing my throat.

"You sure you're ready to know?", Haiji asked teasingly, a sly smirk tugging on his lips. Irritated by his manipulative attitude, I retorted back an answer.

"Let's make a deal then. If I wear this ring, you'll get to do anything you want. If you can't, it's my win. You know how much I dislike wearing jewelry right?", I hold out the ring in front of him with a confident smirk.

"Deal", he grinned, which annoyed me as he appeared to be unfazed by my glare. Taking the ring from my palm, he placed it inside a blue box specifically for the jewelry. "This ring means...", he started, holding the box with his fingers. Locking his gaze with mine, he continue with an amused smile, " propose to you (Y/N)-san"

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