Chapter five: in love

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The only thing that wouldn't leave my head was what Kyungsoo had asked me. 

'You like Chanyeol, don't you?' I just laughed at that moment and thought he was being stupid, but no matter how much I thought of that, I wouldn't laugh the same again. I didn't even find it funny. 

Why didn't I? Why did I have to think that much about it? Of course I wouldn't like my best friend - whom I've known for as long as I could remember - that way. He was nothing more than a friend, right? 

I chuckled at myself as I put on my practicing clothes. I was actually having an argument with myself about liking my friend or not. The question was obviously no, but I couldn't help to keep on questioning it.

"You alien freak!" yelled the familiar angry harsh voice I heard the other day, and then it was followed with a loud bang. 

I ran to where I heard the voice and spotted the same bully over Kyungsoo, who looked so petite and fragile beside him. He really looked helpless, so I couldn't hold myself back. I just hoped he wouldn't go mad if I stepped in again to defend him. 

"You're still continuing?" I glared after I stepped between them again. The bully glared at me too, but not in the same way, "get lost," I snarled and he obeyed me like a lost puppy and disappeared within seconds. 

I heard Kyungsoo gasp in surprise behind me, and when  I turned around to look at him, my eyes widen. 

"Oh my god, Kyungsoo," I nearly yelled in surprise, "you're bleeding!" I ran into the toilet that was right behind us and got some paper to stop the bleeding with it. 

The bully must've punched him in the face or something, and for some reason, he didn't dodge it at all. "Why don't you run away when he bullies you, or even fight back? Or just yell for help, or at least ask him to stop?" I asked confused as I put pressure on the bleeding wound. "I only see you standing completely still, letting him do this to you." I was becoming rather concerned over his well being, and I was concentrating so hard on his wound I hadn't noticed how close our face were, but surprisingly I didn't mind. 

"I don't care what he does to me," he simply replied, which made me accidentally snort. 

"You don't care if he hurts you?" I asked, a bit surprised, and he slowly nodded without messing up the paper I held onto his face. 

I let out a small giggle as I stared in right in his eyes. "You're crazy Kyungsoo," I said whilst smiling. He kept on staring at me as I was taking care of his wound by his lip. 

He was sitting completely still and didn't even flinch when I cleaned it, which normally people would react to, as it'd sting. He just stayed still like an obedient puppy with wide eyes. He wasn't smiling, but his expression was soft. His eyes were soft. It was like he was thinking, but it was good thoughts. 

I wonder what it was. I wondered what he'd be thinking in this situation. Was it about me? About his past? About what just happened? "Can I ask you something?" I suddenly asked. 

"Sure," he replied quickly, like he was expecting me to say that.

"Why did you wonder whether if I like Chanyeol or not? What made you think that?" I had been curious all day about it. Maybe I was just giving it way too much thought though, and actually end up believing it myself, which was not true.

"By the way you've been staring at him," he firstly said, which I frowned to. Had I been staring at him? "The way you looked at both of them flirting. The jealousy you show around them. The way you oppose their relationship." He sounded like a professional psychologist or something that had been observing me, but I just frowned back. 

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