Chapter Eighteen

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He looked over at Seung-hyun, as if just registering he was there.

"When did you get here, Hyung?" he asked him.

"About 30 seconds after I got you to go wash up," I answered. "And I started marinating the crabs before I left for work yesterday. It's when I realized we needed grocery shopping done, which I did this morning before I went to work. Contrary to what you believe, you can't live on coffee."

He smiled at me and came over to kiss my cheek.

"Gomawo, Ryu-ah," he said, before sitting down. "This is something either Eomma makes me or I go out to a nice restaurant to eat."

"She spoils you, Jiyong," Seunghyun told him as they dug into the ganjang gaejang and I sat there eating kimchi. "You're not going to want to let her leave."

"There's still a few more weeks before she can even begin to look," Jiyong said, making Seung-hyun laugh.

"Just admit it, this girl is your type. If she was older..." Seung-hyun started.

"If I was older, nothing. I'm taken, thanks, Oppa," I interjected. "Besides, Jiyong likes women who like to play games and are a little shy. I've spent too much time around a certain jerk to be shy."

"What's going on?" Seung-hyun asked.

"She's mad at Suga," Jiyong explained. "He was sneaking around with one of the few friends she'd made in university."

Seung-hyun just whistled and shook his head. I lost my appetite.

"Oppa, I'm sure you came over here to see Jiyong-oppa for a reason. When you guys are done, just leave the dishes. I'll do them in the morning before I head out to work," I told them, heading and putting my dish on the counter after I threw out what I didn't eat. "I'm going to bed. I'm tired."

I gave each of them a hug and went to the room I was currently staying in. It seemed like only a few minutes later when my bedroom door flew open. When my eyes adjusted to the light, I saw Kookie and Jisung in my room, hysterical. Behind them was Jiyong and Seung-hyun-oppa, looking worried. I grabbed my robe and followed them out once I got my slippers on.

"Why are the two of you here at this hour?" I asked Kookie and Jisung as I looked at my phone and saw the clock said 4:45.

"We both got a pic message that terrified us," Kookie said, hugging me tightly.

"What pic message?" I asked.

"This," Jisung showed me, crying. "Apparently, only me and Jungkook-hyung got it. Not long after I got it, he showed up at the dorm to pick me up. Renjun was going to argue with him, but he saw we were both freaked out and let me leave."

I took Jisung's phone out of his shaking hands. There was a picture of a girl who looked a little like me. Enough to terrify someone who loved me, considering it was clear she was dead. Behind her, there was a message. I hoped it was red paint, but I wasn't gullible enough to believe it wasn't blood. It said, "Kim Ryung-gi will disappear and die as unnoticed as she did." The message sent chills through me. I was terrified, but I couldn't let anyone, especially not Kookie and Jisung see that.

"I'm okay, everyone. I was safe, sleeping, when all of this happened," I tried to reassure them.

"What time did you get back here tonight?" Kookie asked me.

"Just before three," I told him.

"You haven't even been back here for two hours?" Jisung asked scared. "Being alone, late at night makes you vulnerable to guys like this."

From Oppa to Appa: A BTS Jin FF COMPLETED!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum