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As I reach the greening pasture, the vibrancy of the field of blooming crocuses strikes me as a marvelous thing; a scene so brilliantly beautiful, it almost hurts. The ache of the beauty, however, does not cause the need to flee, but rather the desire to be forever within the sight of the beautiful field. Waves of the delicate scent of the white and purple blooms constantly curl about my nostrils. Stepping off the rutted trail, I lie down midst a million purple flowers. Here I can lose any burden on my mind or heart. Here I can rest. As I close my eyes, a meadowlark whistles a cheery song and all thoughts unrelated to beauty and peace drift away as forgotten clouds. Against my leg I feel the tickle of the growing grass. The calming purr of my calico cat, who has followed me, hums pleasantly in my ears. Shining brightly down, the sun gently warms my body, making me drowsy and erasing all of the few troubling thoughts that remain. A slight breeze drifting about my face keeps the welcome sun from becoming unpleasant, and my body at the perfect temperature for relaxation. Buzzing bees circle above me almost unnoticed, their monotone droning lulling me even deeper into my lethargy. After a while, a melodious cowbell ringing in a nearby field summons me out of my reverie, reminding me of duties awaiting me. Rejuvenated by my short repose, I slowly rise and resume my walk, ready to face the rest of my day.

may 8, 2020

hey guys. here is another of my assignments from last year. i edited it a bit tho.

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