A Relived Ball

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As my invisible form silently slipped through the French doors, I finally saw once more the scene of that fateful night. I wrinkled my nose as the oozing mustiness of the old concrete assaulted my nostrils. Obviously, Ravenhall Lodge was no longer inhabited. Remembering my triumphal descent so long ago, I noiselessly rose to the top of the twisting staircase and once more drifted down the stairs. That other night, the ballroom was bursting with twirling couples and the orchestra was heard playing above the murmur of the elegantly dressed people on the side lines. Now, deafening silence greeted my ears, only broken by the faint drip, drip of water seeping in through a crack at the very top of the arched dome ceiling. I trailed my hand down the coldness of the carved marble banister and wondered how many living people remembered that memorable event. Glancing up, I noticed the banquet table still sitting as we left it, though the dishes and cloth were no longer there. I was so happy that evening, the unusual dryness of the roast had not affected me. Even the blandness of the usually flavourful pudding did not alert me to the strangeness of the evening. Now however, I wondered how it was that I happened to fail to notice the strange occurrences that preceded my coming out ball. I shuddered and escaped the incongruous closeness of the spacious room, unlike that other night when an escape was not possible.

march 23, 2020

hey guys. this is from one of my assignments from last year. enjoy.

just writing Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt