There saw amity talking to herself "so you three go to the same school now, uh.. that doesn't change anything!" The green haired witch then sighed.

We then closed the door "this place connects to different parts of the school. We found it after being thrown in the detention track. The witch who made it is known as.."

There was a picture on the wall. It was spray painted "Lord clamity!" Viney finishes.

"They said Lord clamity started this troublemaker wall and they added they're names in the lord's honor" Y/n said.

"This place is amazing!" I said "I bet you guys can get into so much trouble in here"

Viney chuckles "sure we can. But we can also do so much more!" She pointed up. Up there was Barcus listening to a class.

Me and Y/n walked out way up peeking.

"Remember. Seeing the end of a life is the begging of reading a fortune. We have to work backwards from it to see the truth"

The teacher made something from paper. Barcus handed Y/n some paper as the two of them also followed the teachers steps.

"We're not allowed to study any kind of magic. So we study every kind of magic. In secret" Viney said as I hopped down.

"You actually like school?" I asked sitting down.

"Yeahh we might have liked it too much" Viney responded "I tried mixing plant magic with abominations" Jerbo said. Y/n came down and sat next too me, I layed down my head on her shoulder while hugging my knees.

"Bump was not thrilled" he added "Barcus makes potions with oracle magic"

"Mixing healing and beast keeping was slightly unconventional" Viney said "But puddles was a great assistant, dang it!" she then turns to us "We all want to be in more than one coven track. But bump just says we need to focus.."

"wow, sounds like Bump's priorities are out of whack" Y/n said as Viney chuckles a little bit "I'm glad you're one of us" Viney said putting a hand on Y/n's shoulder "You both made a great first impression. Would you both like to add your names to the troublemaker wall?" She asked holding a marker out.

"You do mine Viney, I do not want to but also want to" Y/n said crossing her arms "Little miss perfect huh? keeping it safe?" Viney shakes Y/n playfully as she laughed a little. I was excited to grab the marker until..

"Luz? Y/n? we're here to get you out of that horrible class! " Willow called.

They all stared at me. Including Y/n, she looked confused "Eh, probably looking for some other Luz! and a different Y/n!" I laughed nervously as Viney stood up peeking out. She saw willow and gus standing in front the blackboard.

"Maybe they already booked it" Gus said "she did say they were better than this place"

Viney was shocked "Oh. you think you both are better than us?" Viney glared at me "no no! It's not like that- I just didn't think we deserved- I mean! none of us deserve!" I defended. Y/n stood up walking behind me.

"Luz.. I should have known you'd look down on us.. everyone else does.." Jerbo's voice was breaking a little bit. Barcus sneezed, he might have told me something.

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