
"While most of her friends are idols, I don't think that's her dream. She's seen the good and the bad side of being an idol. I think she'd rather go to school and make her mark in the music industry her own way, Appa."

"How old is she?"

"Not quite 19, Appa."

"Park Jisung!"

"She turns 19 in July and her father approves of our relationship. When she started dating it was his main rule. She wasn't allowed to date anyone he didn't get to know first and approve. Jin-hyung approves of our relationship and I swear that I'm still a virgin, Appa. I'm not ready to have a relationship like that and I know that Ryu-ah isn't either. You don't have to worry about something like becoming a grandfather unexpectedly," I told him. 

"We'll see how today goes, Jisung. If we like your girlfriend, I want to talk to her father to ensure he actually approves, considering she is still underage," Appa said.

"I will give you his number. I only ask that you let me call him first, in front of you before we leave tonight, to let him know I gave you his number and why. After all, he is a member of BTS. They have to be extremely cautious about their phone numbers and who's calling them."


We went back outside and I went right to Ryu-ah's side. Her outfit hid her scar today. It's why I hadn't mentioned her transplant or the accident to my family. If she wanted to tell them, she was free to, but that was her story to tell, not mine. 

The five of us spoke a little longer and then sat down to dinner. Of course the inevitable questions came up. Why had her brother adopted her? Where were her parents? For a minute I was worried Ryu-ah might get overwhelmed, but she sat for a few minutes, just breathing before she finally answering. 

"My parents, older brother, and I were on a private plane heading to JeJu Island when I was ten years old. I don't know what happened, but the plane malfunctioned and fell from the sky. I watched as my parents and brother died before losing consciousness, into a coma I wouldn't wake up from for three months. Jin, was called and there were some troubles between him and Big Hit, but he adopted me and stayed by my side. I had a heart transplant three months after the accident and that's when I finally woke up. When I finally got out of the hospital, I've lived with BTS ever since. Jin became Appa and the other guys became my oppas."

My family became silent for a few minutes. Then my mother got up and hugged her. 

"You poor girl. You've been through so much for someone so young," Eomma said as she hugged her.

"This one is a fighter, Jisung. Take care of her," Appa leaned over to me and said. "And learn from her. Someone like her has different perspectives on life than most people."

"I always do," I said, smiling to him at his obvious approval of Ryu-ah in my life.

I noticed Hyuntae was staring at Ryu-ah then at Eomma, Appa, and me. He wasn't saying anything, it wasn't polite, but I could tell he was considering the possibility of such a simple thing as a trip to JeJu Island turning into such a nightmare.

"Don't pity Kim Ryung-gi, Hyuntae," I told my brother. "She's the strongest person I've ever met. She lives her life, she loves, she laughs, she doesn't let anything hold her back. If there is something she wants to try, she does it, as long as it's safe for her."

"But, isn't she living on a transplanted heart?" Hyuntae asked.

"Yes," Ryu-ah replied before I could. "But in all these years, I've had maybe five incidents where I needed to be hospitalized due to emergencies. There have been a few other scares on top of that, but my heart is still healthy. My cardiologist said I could get another heart in my twenties because I've taken such good care of this one. I know my limitations and I don't go living my life looking to ignore those and die. I want to live my life to the fullest, but I do it within the reality of my life, I can only push so far. Even still, I've been in music videos, I've choreographed music videos, produced songs for idols, tried to conquer my phobia of planes, returned to regular school after years of private tutors, I'm going to university, I go out with my friends, I have my driver's license and my own vehicle. I know how to take care of myself and stand up for those I care about. No matter what happens in the future, I don't want any regrets."

From Oppa to Appa: A BTS Jin FF COMPLETED!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें