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Alex's POV

I woke up when I heard the alarm went off and quickly make it stopped. Thankfully, Piper was still asleep. Today is our 7th official wedding anniversary, even though Piper always said we should include our prison married into the counting, so it supposed to be the 9th. But I told her, we should count only the official and make our prison wedding as one of our greatest memory.

I turned my body to my left side. The look on Piper's face while sleeping always make me mesmerized, every time. Oh how lucky I am to have her as my wife. Unable to stop my heart from the outburst of love towards her, I pulled her into my embrace and kiss her lips softly.

"Hmmm..." She mumbled without opening her eyes. "You taste delicious."

"Happy 7th anniversary Dr Piper Vause."

"It's the 9th Dr Alex Vause." Piper now fully awake. Ocean blue eyes staring into green. I chuckled.

"Well, babe. It's officially the 7th because you only took my name after we officially got married." I said making Piper pouted her mouth. I only laughed. Piper insisted to take my name when we got married. The reason was, I am the only person in my family that carry the Vause name while for her family there is Cal to carry the Chapman name. When I said we can hyphenate our name, she said she wanted the whole world to know that she belongs to me, which make me gladly agreed to her.

"Whatever. For me its the 9th." Piper cupped my check and kissed me. I deepened the kiss and my hand started to wander all over her body.

"Okay. The 9th it is." I kissed her neck and my hand travel down to her thigh.

"Are you sure we will be able to make it?" She asked, knowing very well what I am intended to do.

"Why not?" I frowned.

"Hmm...our twins will wake up anytime soon." Piper smiled and then giggled when she saw my face expression. Fuck! I almost forgot about the two little human being that Piper risked her life, to brought them into this world four years ago. My mind automatically drifted to that moment.

From the very beginning Piper was pregnant with them, doctor already told us that we should prepared for the worse. I remembered begging Piper to abort the pregnancy, but she said if we did that, how are we going to able to live knowing we killed our own babies. Then for the next 9 months, every single day I lived in fear. Fear of losing my wife and also our babies.

But the worst was after Piper birthed them, she was in coma for 2 weeks and was hospitalized for 1 and a half month. My life was really like hell on earth during that time. If it weren't for my prison family and Piper's family that pulled me through, I would have gone crazy. I vowed to myself that even though Piper cry blood to beg me to have another child, I will say no. I cannot afford to lose her. She was my life. The source of my joy and happiness.

"Well, we do have babysitter, right? That's what we paid her for. To take care of the kids so we will have our time together." I argued.

Life had been good for my little family. Piper supported me financially to study medic and now I worked as one of the top surgeons at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. We moved here two years ago, because my job required us to stay here. Piper was Dr Piper now after she earned her PhD and both of us grateful because one month after we settled here, she got a job proposal from Boston University and since then worked there as a lecturer.

I never imagined our lives turned out to be fucking good like this. We were ex-convict but somehow, we managed to rebuild our lives much, much better than we expected or dreamt of. It was true after all, what the Soothsayer said in the Kung Fu Panda movie series that our twins loved so much; Your story may not have a happy beginning, but that doesn't make you who you are. It is the rest of your story, who you choose to be.

"Well, when you put it like that, I guess I am all yours Al." Piper's voice brought me back to the present. Jeez... I like the sound of my name on Piper's mouth. I pulled my self and moved on top of my wife's naked body. Both of us were naked because after we made love last night, we ran out of energy and fell into deep sleep.

"We had three orgasms last night Al, are you still not satisfy?" Piper teased me playfully.

"Never. I will and always craving for you babe." I said truthfully. But before I can get things further there was knocked on our door, followed by two tiny-small voices that both of us love so much.

"Mama! Mommy!" I smiled upon hearing that. My kids call me mama and they call Piper mommy.

"One minute please!" I yelled and jumped out of the bed, take my clothes, and throw Piper's to her. I quickly put on my short pants, bra and sweatshirt but... Shit! I forgot to put on my underwear. Never mind. I don't have time for that now. Piper laughing looking at me.

"Are you done putting on your clothes?" I asked her. She nodded. I marched towards the door and open it. Two pairs of eyes staring at me. Green and blue.

"I-I am so sorry Dr Vause, but they really..." The babysitter stutter and unable to see me in the face.

"It's okay. I know sometimes these two can be hard to taken care of." I smiled and picked up both of them, one with my right hand and the other one with my left hand. Of course, it was difficult to take care of them, as they are the product of Vause plus Chapman equal to Vauseman. But they are amazing and wonderful kids too because, once again they are the product of Vause plus Chapman equal to Vauseman.

"I suggest that you eat your breakfast and relax before we handed them over again." I said. The babysitter nodded and quickly disappeared. I took them into our bedroom, and kicked the door shut. Our two bundles of joy were smiling happily in my arm.

Liam Alex Vause and Lexi Piper Vause. That's the name that Piper and I choose for our boy and girl. Liam is the result of my egg while Lexi is the result of Piper's. Both of our eggs were inseminated through IVF procedure and then planted into Piper's womb. But miraculously, Liam and Lexi faces are combination of my face and Piper's. Moreover, Lexi has my emerald eyes and Liam has Piper's ocean blue eyes. Doctors wondered how that even possible because such things never happened before. But Piper and I were grateful because our kids undeniably are our own flesh and blood. When people look at them, they can see the combination of my face and Piper's on their faces.

"Mommy!" Liam and Lexi both exclaimed happily and extended their hands to reach Piper. Piper took them and the three of them stumbled into the bed laughing. I shed a tear of joy watching the beautiful sight before my eyes but quickly brushed it away with my hand. My wife and kids! My world! The very reason I was able to breathe and alive.

Tonight, we will be celebrating our anniversary with our prison family and friends, as well as with Piper's family. Bill and Carol always came to visit us because they loved Liam and Lexi so much. I am so thankful that Bill had finally accepted me as his daughter-in-law.

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