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Alex's POV

I didn't sleep well last night, and I knew what the problem is. It is because that evil woman Artesian fucking McCullough. I hated myself for fucking her at the first place too, causing this whole mess. I should not done that just because I was afraid to get hurt. I definitely regretted it, but of course I can't turn back the clock or wiped away the mistake that I had created. Now I have to face it and hopefully with clear mind and control emotion.

"Vause." Great. The very person I wanted to avoid at all cost is now approaching me.

"What do you want McCollough? Can't you see I am busy with this laundry." I tried hard to control my anger. Damn! Why must I alone at this moment. Where is the hell Nicky was?

"Your face is tight." She chuckled. By this time, I have killed her over and over again in my mind.

"That's mean I don't want you coming near to me."

"You don't want any trouble, right? Especially you only have about 7 months to get out from this prison." McCollough clearly was threatening me now.

"What do you want?" I know I can't fight with her. The prison system believes their guards more than the inmates.

"Finally, you asked the right question." She smiled. "I want you to be my girlfriend."

"Are you out of your mind? I can't do that." I snapped.

"Yes, you can. You know why? Because you wanted your freedom too damn much." McCollough get closer to me, cupped my face, and kissed me. I tried to push her away, but she hugged me tightly. She began to breathe unevenly making me feel disgusted.

"You don't remember how it had been when we were at Litchfield's Max?" She whispered to my ear.

"I already forgot about it. Besides, it was only two times. So, nothing much worth to remember." And I felt empty and not really satisfied after the intercourse.

"We can make the worthy memory to remember now." She dragged my hand to her breast. I pulled my hand away and once again tried to free myself from her embrace. This time, I managed to do so.

"I want you." McCollough did not bother to hide her obsession towards me. "Let say this coming Tuesday?" It was a statement rather than question. Why do I always end up fucking psychopath woman? First, Sylvie and now McCollough. Stupid me.

"If I say no?"

"To say no is not an option Vause. I can make you transferred to another prison again. I give you four days to fuck whoever you want but after that you and I will become exclusive. So, until Tuesday my love." McCollough kissed my lips and retreated from the laundry room.

Now, how do I get out from this problem? Fucking McCollough for 7 months? That's a nightmare. And what will Piper say about it? Fuck me!

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