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Piper's POV

Friday was finally here. I came early to the prison not wanting to late even for one minute. I sat and waiting for Alex to come out, nervously. I missed her so much. The door open and many inmates walked out through that door to meet their family. I easily spotted Alex because she was taller than everybody else. She gave me her sweetest smile when she saw me. She was too damn gorgeous.

"Hi, Pipes." She said and seated in front of me.

"Hi darling. How are you?" I asked with a concerned tone in my voice.

"As you can see, still breathing." She grinned but I can see the sadness in her eyes. Although we were not allowed to have any kind of physical contact, I still reached out for Alex's hand and gripped it tightly before releasing it. Thankfully, the guards were watching the other families.

"I can sense that you are having problem Al, care to share the burden with me? But only if you want to, no forcing." I looked at her lovingly. Alex sighed.

"It's McCollough. She's here." Alex told me.

"What do you mean she is here?" I was shocked.

"She works here as a guard. She said she wants me to be her girlfriend." Alex jumped straight to the problem she was facing.

"Is she out of her damned mind?" I almost shouted but luckily Alex touches my hand to make me calm. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and released it.

"Okay now?" Alex asked. Her eyes searched mine.

"I think so." I replied when our eyes locked to each other.

"Okay, can I tell you more about it?" She asked me cautiously. I nodded.

"She gave me four days to fuck whoever I want. So, we still have time to come out with something. However, by next Tuesday she wanted our relationship become exclusive. If I refused, she will make me transferred to another prison once again."

"I really want to murder her." I spoke through gritted teeth.

"Same here."

"So, let see if you are agreed to her requests, will it secure your release date?"

"She said so."

"Then, just pretend to love her and fuck her." I reluctantly said that, knowing I will be in miserable once again, if that things really happened. But I wanted Alex to be out, so I was willing to compromise this time round even though it would cause me a great deal of pain.

"Do you really want me to do that?" Alex searched my eyes.

"Of course not Al! I can't imagine you are kissing, touching and fucking other woman again. But, if this is the only way for you and I can get back together again in 7 months, then we have to do this."

"If you want me to fuck McCollough again, then you better kill me Pipes. I can't do that." Alex rubbed her face indicating that she was upset.

"Just imagine that she is me."

"I am still aware she is not you. How can we solve this problem Pipes? I am scared. I can't sleep well, I can't eat well, I can't do anything right since that evil woman appeared again."

"Alex, darling, look at me, please." Alex raised her head and meet my eyes. Green locked into ocean blue. "Let me think of something okay. Everything will be alright. We can get through this. I promise."

"I love you Pipes... too much. I don't want to have sex with any other woman anymore." Alex spoke genuinely. My heart danced.

"I know Al, I know. I love you too."

"Let's forget about that woman for a while. How about you? Any interesting things happened?" Alex asked.

Well, I know exactly how to make you forgot about that psychopath woman. I smiled wickedly.

"Hmm... one of my students asked me out for a date."

"What?! Is he or she?" There is an edge in Alex's tone. I knew she was jealous. I chuckled.

"He. And his name is Ryan Smith."

"When I am out of here, I will going to kill him." Alex gritted her teeth.

"Nope. That's mean prison again and it will be life imprisonment ." I teased her. Alex pouted. So cute.

"Was he aware that you are much older than he is?"

"Yes, but to quote him, age is not an issue in a romantic relationship. He also told me that even though he is young, he has a big cock that will make me satisfy beyond my imagination." I deliberately told Alex about Ryan, so that her mind would not focus on the problem she was facing with McCollough and it was successful.

"Then, are you interested with his penis?" Alex sounded angry. I smiled.

"Of course not! I am interested with your tongue, fingers and all parts of your body." I traced my tongue around my mouth while looking seductively to Alex. Alex began to sit uncomfortably. I know she was controlling herself from moaning. I smiled naughtily. Then, I deliberately unbuttoned the two front buttons of my Plus Solid Button Front Collar Neck dress making Alex clearly see my breasts because I intentionally did not wear any bra to meet her. Alex swallowed hard and exhaled heavily.

"Pipes, you are going to be the death of me." Alex tried very hard to not look aroused. "Are you wearing any panties?" Alex asked whispering. I nodded my head.

"I don't want to take a chance. I am worry if my wet fluid dripping down my leg, if somehow, I will be aroused while talking to you." I told her honestly making Alex laughed for the first time. I love her raspy laugh so much. I can hear it over and over and over again.

"If only this table has a hole between us, I will push my two fingers inside you and fuck you slowly but with hard and deep thrust." It was Alex turned to teased me. A moaned escape my mouth. Luckily, nobody notices it.

"Pipes. Behave." Alex smirked.

"Then, stop teasing me." I pouted. Alex grinned.

"You started it first."

"Well, I wanted you to relax and clearly it helped." I raised my eyebrow playfully. Alex giggled but suddenly stop, making me curious.

"Will you go out with that fucking student? Because I cannot give you the permission."

"Jeez, Alex. No! I already told him that you and I are married."

"That's good." Alex smiled happily. I cannot tell her the rest of my conversation with Ryan, especially about the stalking thing. It will add to Alex's misery.

"Visitors, you have another two minutes remaining." The guard announced. I sighed. I still wanted to just sit and talk with my wife.

"Al, don't worry too much okay. I will find a way to help you. But if there is no other way then just do it. Just pretend that you love her. I give you permission to have sex with her. Just don't enjoy it too much." I tried to joke even though my heart is in pain.

"Baby, I don't want to hurt you." Alex's heart was in her eyes.

"I know. Only 7 months Al, think about it. And then after that we can be together again, forever."

"Okay. I heart you Pipes. Never doubt it."

"I heart you too Al and I trust you." I grabbed her hand, hold it tight and released it before the fucking guard saw it.

"See you the next visiting time." She said softly.

"Yeah. I will miss you."

"I will miss you too." She smiled and walked away.

I swallowed, trying to held back my tears. Oh God, this is hurt. Not being able to be together, it's really hurt. See you next time love, until then please take care of yourself.

I stood up and my eyes followed Alex until she disappeared behind the close door.

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