
Start from the beginning

"Shut up! I'm not used to snow and I hope we don't get a big storm." She shook her head.

I didn't reply because I didn't wanna give her hopes up. I slowed down as we approached the bakery she wanted to try, once close enough I pulled the door open "Here it is."

She walked in ahead of me pulling off her hood. I looked up to see her hair was down and curly. "It smells good in here." She smiled, running her hands over her hair "Oh- I don't wear my hijab all the time." She said probably noticing the confused look on my face


"Oh okay."

I allowed for her to trail in front of me as I followed behind.

"Good morning! How can I help you two." The white elderly woman beamed with a bright smile.

"Good Morning, um this is my first time here, what's your most popular item?"

"Oh, well welcome in sweetheart what were you looking to get? I'll tell you the top popular item in that Category or in any one. "


"Our most ordered donut would probably be original glazed but I personally like the chocolate frosted or Boston cream."

"Okay I-"

I stopped listening to the conversation as my phone went off in my pocket. I grabbed it looking over my notifications.

𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗼 ⛹🏽‍♂️❤️

I forgot my backpack at home. Can you get it for me? Or at least my binder and computer? I got a test to take today and I need the notes

This nigga

Your whole backpack?
I'm out right now. Where Ma?

Yea, C'Xenna was rushing me
She at work

When's the test?

The class start at 11

Ight. You need anything else?

"T,"  I looked up feeling a nudge on my shoulder, "You gonna order?"

"My bad. You can just give me whatever she got." I replied

"Ok so that's two glazed, four chocolate frosted, and two chocolate almond milks?"

"Yes." She nodded reaching for her purse.

"I got it," I spoke while reaching in my pocket for my wallet.

"Your total is $8.45."

I pulled out Nine dollars and then looked at Rania "That's all you wanted?"


She gave the change and I dropped it in the donation box. "Ight,"

We moved over to let the people behind us order while waiting for the donuts. "You okay?"  She asked in a soft voice.

"Yea I'm good, why you say that?"

Your face looked complex while you were looking at your phone. N-not to be nosy or anything I just picked up on it,"

"Oh, yea I'm good my brother just needs me to pick something up for him." I explained and her face went back to its regular state.

"That makes sense. After this you could go if you need to. We can just explore another day."

"Nah it's cool, you can come with me, if you want."

She looked at me making eye contact "You not gon try and kidnap me are you?"

I assumed she was joking so I just laughed "I would never."


Hours had past and we now sat in the car telling each other about ourselves.

"But you remember them right?" She asked, talking about my parents.

I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel, taking a deep breath "Yea, I do. My mom was really nice and took me everywhere with her, while my dad was more hard on me— he was nice as well but always told me to do my chores and shit like that."

She giggled while looking as me "That's cute,"

"What about you? You close with your parents?" I asked

"Mine are the opposite. My dad is chill and let's me do whatever while my mom is so stern on me." She expressed

"She probably just wants the best for you."

"I get that but she pretty much forced me to go to college. I didn't even know if I wanted to go, but it really wasn't a choice. A lot of things I did in life I didn't have a choice. And while I'm appreciative, I feel like I would've been a totally different person if I made my own  decisions." Rania spoke, her voice full of relief. Almost like it was a weight off her shoulders.

"Do you like who you came out to be? Are you genuinely happy with where you are in life?"

"Eh, I'm happy that I'm successful but my self happiness..I don't know. Which is one of the reasons I was ready to leave Arizona; this is like a fresh start at adulthood."

"Self happiness is very important. Always put your feelings above others. Use this fresh start how you want to."

"Wow I needed to hear that. Thank you Teeno'"

"You can call me Terrence." I told her not feeling the need to have her keep calling me Teeno.

"That's your real name?" Raina asked with a higher pitched voice.


She sat back in the seat going quiet. It was silent for a good minute before she spoke lowly and said "I'm cold,"

"My bad." I said pressing the start button to my truck. The heat came through instantly but just in case I reached up and turned the heated seats on. "You uh, you finish unpacking all your stuff?"

"Yes, finally, I did. It's still a little plain but I ordered some decor and I know it'll be cute in about a month."

I smiled hearing her talk about an accomplishment that made her happy. "That's what up. I'm moving soon too. I just can't decide if I wanna purchase a house or stay in an apartment."

She turned to me quickly, grabbing all of my attention. "You're moving?!"

"Yea, you thought I lived in that motel? Nahh."

"I didn't." She laughed softly "But I can help you or at least go with you when you look to see if you're getting a bang for your buck."

"Oh really?"

"Yea, I'm a realtor remember?"

Oh yea "Awe shit that's right!"

"How are you gonna be my friend and not listen to me? Told this man I was a realtor the first time we hung out!"

I felt bad so I dropped my head down. "My bad, I'm sorry, I forget. A lot be on my mind."

"It's okay. But if you want I will help you."

"Shit I'm trying to move as soon as possible so.." I trailed off

"Look for places tonight." She told me while pulling out her phone.

"What you doin'?"

"Looking around for nice apartments."

Yea, we'll be good friends.

. . .

This chapters okay 🥲

Moe had a meltdown today but Zymeir handled it and decided the best way to make sure he stay safe it to keep Moe with him🥺

How do y'all feel about Teenos and Rania's friend ship?

The advice he gave her?

Vote and comment!❤️

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