
Start from the beginning

Nanami was shocked that you got the upper hand this easily. You were reveling in his victory, but not for long as you watched his abs ripple beneath his thin dress shirt as he sat up, placing his hands on your sides and throwing you off with his sheer strength. Gojo had never made a move like that before, and you were shocked as you rolled to recover from the throw. A cheeky smirk grew over your face as your sparring got more intense, Nanami's offense grew more aggressive and your defense more creative.

Nanami was angry; not angry at you, but angry that he didn't realize how much he cared about you. His heart ached as he sparred. He was so proud of how quickly you were advancing but annoyed at himself that he couldn't see your talent, and only ever saw you as something to protect.

Grunting angrily, he parried your cursed technique and threw a jab in return.

Gojo was momentarily passing by the gymnasium when he heard the thuds and grunts of sparring, and peeked through the door to see Nanami sparring with you more intensely than Gojo ever did. Smirking as he walked away, he knew there was some tension between the two of you.

Nanami's breathing became heavy as he had to move more and more quickly. He parried a round of punches from you, then dodged a cursed technique that you flicked off your finger. He grabbed your extended hand and rolled you onto the floor. Before he could grab your other arm to fully restrain you, you slapped your palm straight onto his chest, taking away cursed energy and causing the muscles connected to the arm holding you down to involuntarily release. As he fell forwards you used the momentum to roll him over, ending up straddling him with your arms planted firmly on the ground on either side of his head. The both of you froze in this position, your breathing still heavy.

Nanami looked up at you. Your hair was messy as you looked down at him, mouth slightly open as you were still trying to catch your breath. Sweat beaded down your face, and onto your lips. His attention was caught by them, and he remained frozen in place.

You were still struggling to catch your breath as your gaze scanned across his face. Sweat had beaded on his forehead, strands of his hair had fallen into his eyes. His lips were slightly parted, and you could feel his warm breath on your face as his chest rose and fell. You could see through his sunglasses that his eyes were locked onto yours.

You continued to breathe, in and out, frozen like this, for what felt like a painfully long time. Your heart fluttered, and your breathing couldn't slow down. Slowly, an urge that began in your stomach grew stronger and stronger until you couldn't take it anymore.

You lowered your lips to his, and his hands immediately moved up to your back as you kissed him passionately. He pulled your chest down to his, and your hands moved to the sides of his head as you deepened the kiss.

You let out a breath as you leaned in, but it came out like a moan. This made Nanami's grip on your waist even tighter. His tongue grazed across your lips, hungry for more. You felt a strange heat rising in your stomach, and bubbling up into your chest. Your body began to burn with warmth as you didn't break the kiss.

However, almost as suddenly as it started, Nanami released his grip on you, put his hands on your shoulders, and used his leg to flip you roughly onto your back and hold you down as if you were sparring again. The door to the gymnasium opened, and Gojo walked in.

"You really are a rough teacher," Satoru spoke up, a cheeky smile on his face. "Your time slot is up, the students are supposed to use this room now."

Nanami had a feeling that Gojo knew what was going on only moments before, but his stoic expression remained as he stood up, and the pink flush across his cheeks disappeared.

You, meanwhile, were a dead giveaway. Your lips were pink and swollen, and your face was flushed as you breathed heavily.

"I'm so sorry Gojo-sensei! We lost track of time!" You exclaimed, jumping up and bowing deeply. You immediately ran to the changing rooms, too embarrassed to look either man in the eye.

"Gojo-sensei, are we allowed to start?" A young Maki spoke up from behind him.

"Yeah, the room is clear now." He let the students inside. Nanami picked up his jacket and stepped outside to quietly wait for you. His mind was racing, and he was unsure what he should say to you. He was always so calm and collected, so calculating, and something this impulsive has never overcome him before in his life.

That's why he was surprised to see you leave the gym wordlessly, and run towards the campus exit without looking in his direction. Your face was still bright red, and you didn't know what to say whatsoever. The entire way home you looked at the ground, thinking about what had just transpired. Your heart rate never slowed down, even as you arrived at your apartment and flopped onto bed. You curled into a ball with your pillow in your arms, and let out a confused squeal.

"What have I done?!" You screamed into your pillow.



Reverse Curse Manifestation (Jujutsu Kaisen x Reader Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now