
"I was born on September 26th too. I take it she didn't tell you?" I laugh.

"I had no fucking clue." Nuri replies, shooting daggers at her niece with her eyes.

"Y'all better stop talking about me like I'm not here." Zahra snorts.

<<·>> <<·>> <<·>>

Miami, Florida

I look in my rear view mirror to see a black Jeep following us and I let out a groan as Marcus takes a turn, trying to lose them as it drives up next to us. I pull out my gun and roll the window down, shooting at them. I smile to myself when I manage to hit the driver leaving the other guy in the passenger's seat, who aims his gun at me.

Too bad for him, I fire before him, hitting right between his eyes and the car drives off the road and goes to hit a tree, exploding immediately on impact. I let out a relieved sigh and lean back in my seat.

"Shit! This is bad, really really bad!"

"Your hands are clean as far as I'm concerned!" Marcus scoffs as he takes a turn.

"I didn't mean it like that." I reassure.

"Anyway we're lucky. The explosion just saved our asses."

We reach my house and I get out of the car only to be pulled into a bone crushing hug by Cameron. As we pull back, I turn around and notice Alex standing by the front door, his arms crossed, a couple of bodyguards by his side.

"Did you miss me?" I joke, pulling him into my arms.

"Not as much as you missed me." He chuckles.

I nod, smiling as we pull back before turning to help Marcus with my suitcases and bags as we step inside the house. I quickly go wash my hands in the nearest bathroom and head back to the guys in the living room.

"You might want to sit down." Alex says, handing me a cup of tea before slipping into the chair in front of me.

"When did you get back?" I ask Cameron before letting out a sigh. "Actually, don't answer that. Marcus and I were nearly run into on the way back from the airport, Sage came here to warn me a few weeks ago and you're both here in the middle of the night. Something is wrong, isn't it?"

"Always the smart one." Cameron chuckles. He stands up, handing me his phone before resuming his seat. "Earlier today, a federal agent was found dead with multiple gunshot wounds."

"Do they have any leads? Who would do this?" I ask, my eyes glued to the pictures in front of me.

"I don't think you understand. Zahra, this is the same FBI that you mistook for an intern a few weeks ago...she also happened to be the agent working on Roman's case."

"Are you serious?"

He nods sadly in realization then his expression changes to a frown. "Wait, you said Sage came here. What did he say?"

"He basically said that a war's brewing. That this is bigger than me...whatever that means."

"Where's Killian? I thought you guys were heading back together?"

"We parted ways at the airport, he's probably on his way to Mad—" I let out a gasp. "Killian is not safe either, is he?"

"I'll look into it but meanwhile, tighten security and be careful." He says and places a kiss on my temple before walking away and out the door.

I turn to Alex who in return gives me a reassuring smile as he stands up. "Will you be okay?"

I nod. He engulfs me in a hug and turns to walk away, leaving me deep in thought. I reach for my phone on the counter and find several notifications.

The first one I land on is a mention from GQ. I open Instagram and to my surprise, it's the cover with Killian's arm around me, the both of us sporting his new collection. We did that and a bunch of other interviews a few days ago, and since I was in a rush, I didn't really get to look at the pictures. I then head to the link in the bio to send it to Killian. He instantly replies.

'Killian: I ate you up'

I let out a chuckle and type a quick reply before proceeding to read the full article.

'Killian and Zahra talk about balance, working together and more in this month's GQ's Modern Lovers issue.

In this exclusive conversation with GQ which coincided with their ultra-glam cover shoot for the launch promotion of the Killian Ferreira's new collaboration with Puma, the pair opened up about how they met.

"He was so bold at first but I came to find out he's naturally confident." The business mogul, 23, said of their first meeting.

So, the story. Our leading man walks to the bar at a club in Barcelona. Suddenly, his eyes land on a beautiful woman sitting to his left. He orders his drink and asserts her as he waits, watching her gulp down numerous shots.

"Ah, so you did check me out after all." Zahra interjects.

"Let me tell the story." Killian chuckles, resuming. "I was getting a few drinks when I saw her. Naturally, I was nervous because I wanted to make a good impression."

After that fateful first night, the couple decided to go back to their respective lives. There was no formal first date or tentative courtship. They spent months away from the prying eyes of the media as they began to figure each other out.

"We both felt the attraction or in his words, the connection, so we didn't waste time on labels." Zahra reveals dramatically.

They are almost coming up on seven months together now, so whatever coincidence that brought them together seems to have worked. It would be many months later that they would have that they would confirm their relationship. The connection also extends to their respective closets. At home, Zahra throws on Killian's hoodies, sweats, jackets or caps, but when it's time to step out, they're not afraid to switch things up a little bit sometimes.

"I love the whole process of picking out an outfit and adding my personal touch to it." Killian reveals.

"Honestly, I just wear whatever looks good on me or raid his closet. The only thing I haven't touched are his shoes and watches." Zahra says laughing.

"You're not touching my watches ever again." Killian adds, but admits he doesn't mind her raiding his closet. The couple are also focused on helping each other grow.

"I get a lot of comments, especially in my industry for being an independent and successful black woman. He [Killian] is a bubble of love and positive energy that he spreads wherever he goes. He showers everyone with so much love that it drowns all the negativity." Zahra says.

"I'm still that little kid that enjoyed playing football with my friends back home, in Madrid. It's not something I've ever tried to hide or ever thought that I should hide —so I can get ahead. It's also something she helped me realize and that we tried to incorporate in my collection with Puma. We figured out how to make the differences work. She's structured and organized-although I am more organized." Killian says to which Zahra adds a perfectly timed, "You're more organized, I just try to be like you."

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