The princess (part 2)

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Soon the queen summoned her daughter to her chambers. Snow hardly ever spoke to her mother, to the point that they were practically strangers. Snow had been breastfed by a wet nurse from birth, even though the king had still been alive at the time and the kingdom didn't have a mana shortage at the time. To her, there were more important things to spend time, energy and mana on than looking after a child. For example her appearance, or power, plots and schemes. Despite that, sweet little Snow had been lovingly raised by nurses and attendants- who always treated her gently while also educating her diligently.

The princess greeted her mother eloquently and bowed before asking:

 "Why have you called for me?"

"I heard you practising herspiel on water day and I realised that you have way too much free time. Your attendants have spoiled you to the point that you can't do anything useful. I shall remove your nurse and all of your attendants from their posts and assign you work in the kitchen. Henceforth you are a lowly servant and not a princess"

"As you wish, mother" replied the princess obediently, only just able to stop herself strom bursting into tears. Although the innocent young princess knew that her mother didn't love her, she never thought that she'd be thrown away so suddenly and cruelly.

Snow White was then taken to the servant's accommodation, stripped of her expensive clothes and given a simple uniform instead.

 "From now on you will have to work like a scullery maid"

Snow had never drawn water from a well, washed dishes or swept a floor before in her life; but she learnt quickly

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Snow had never drawn water from a well, washed dishes or swept a floor before in her life; but she learnt quickly. With the help of the other maids, she did her best to adapt to her new life. Soon she could keep up with the others and had memorised her responsibilities, then she started improvising ways of using her magic to complete her jobs faster than even the experienced maids could. She became so competent that she earnt the respect and gratitude of everyone who worked with her. Snow began to make friends and came to realise that she could find satisfaction and joy in her new life if she tried her best- even if she was forced to do tiring rough work from dawn to dusk. 

 Snow learnt to cook, and danced as she swept, she'd hum while drawing water from the well and everyone liked her singing. She figured out how to warm up the dish water with mana and clean the dishes in an instant, saving everyone the work of slowly doing it all by hand without mana.

Summer turned to autumn and with time Snow settled in and the queen forgot about her despised daughter. 


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