The Evil Witch

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Long ago, in a land far away, there lived a princess in gleaming white castle. Her hair was dark blue, almost as black as night; her lips were as red as a winter hearth and her skin was as white as snow. Thus she was named Snow White by her father the late king. Snow White was very beautiful and she was kind to everyone around her. Her attendants loved her dearly.

"If only the queen was as kind as her daughter" thought her nurse aloud. Snow White's attendants agreed but, even though they were alone in the room, they were too afraid to agree aloud- so they just agreed inside their heads and nodded almost undetectably.

Snow White's mother was the queen - the one and only highest ruler of the nation. She was the most beautiful woman in the country and she knew it. She was intelligent, hard working and a harspiel prodigy. She always wanted to be the best and have the best things. She was almost perfect. However, unlike her warm hearted daughter, she was cold and uncaring. She spent her time plotting and didn't shed a tear when her husband, the previous king, died.

In her secret room she had a dressing table with a magic mirror. She'd stare into it for hours asking it questions.

"Magic mirror" She'd say

"Who is the most beautiful woman in this land?"

"That would undoubtedly be you, my queen" the mirror would say and the queen would stare at herself, gazing into the mirror, alone.

The queen was vain and spent most of the kingdom's wealth on dresses and jewellery. She'd never wear the same dress twice and wore something new for every meal and at different times of day. When she was finished with a dress she'd simply burn it with fire magic to make it disappear. She'd never give her old clothes to her attendants because she wanted to be the only person to wear the most beautiful silk and the most intricate embroidery.

"Mirror tell me who has the most mana in my land"

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"Mirror tell me who has the most mana in my land"

"That would be the young prince who was betrothed to the princess before the late king died"

"Why is he here, in my land?" screeched the queen- although she already knew the answer. Snow White was fourteen and would be coming of age next spring. The prince had been sent by his father, the king of a neighbouring country, to confirm the engagement and formally propose to the princess.

"I can't let this happen" muttered the queen under her breath. "I will never let Snow marry a prince and she will never become a queen" The queen was angry ...and uncharacteristically almost--- afraid.

"Snow would make a good and just ruler when the time comes" said the mirror which only served to make the queen even more furious. "That girl will never take my throne"

"But queen, the princess is the only descendant of the late king and the only person other than you with the power to charge the foundation of this castle with mana. Without a successor to rule the kingdom after you die, this nation will crumble."

"I don't care what happens after I die" replied the queen "...and anyway, mirror, I will use your knowledge to create potions that will maintain my youth. And I will become immortal no matter how many lives I have to sacrifice and no matter how much pain it causes those I rule over. With you under my control I shall never die" The queen genuine smile, which was equally rare and spine chilling. The mirror seemed to shiver in fright, although it was just a magical mirror, with no spine to chill or blood to curdle and no body besides it's shiny, silver, reflective face.

"I have no choice but to obey your commands" said the mirror in reply "for you are my master"

"I have no choice but to obey your commands" said the mirror in reply "for you are my master"

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