The princess (part 1)

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It was a sunny summer's day and the roses were in full bloom. The sky was bright blue, dotted with a few fluffy clouds. If you looked closely you'd occasionally see heighbeasts flying to and from the city in the valley below the castle.

The queen went for a stroll through the castle grounds. She was in a good mood because she had just been gifted the most beautiful jewellery in the world, by a young artisan hoping for her patronage. The queen was so delighted that rather than buying more from him, she ordered for him to be executed- so that no one else could ever buy jewellery as beautiful as hers. Now, she was strolling through the garden: happy but expressionless, beautiful but cruel.

"No one else can look as beautiful as me"

The stone hearted queen elegantly made her way through the flower garden. The trees looked like they were quaking when a cool gust of wind swept some flower petals into the air. Along with the wind, you could faintly hear the distant sound of herspiel music. The refreshing breeze would make anyone smile... but the queen froze.

"What's that noise?" Asked the queen

"The princess is practising her herspiel" replied one of her attendants.

"Oh really?" said the queen "She's even better than I was at her age"

Everyone who heard the queen's words knew what they meant- something bad would soon befall young Snow White. For the queen had always worked hard at, and prided herself in, being the best herspiel player in the world. The queen wanted nothing less than to always be the most graceful, the most powerful, and the most beautiful. 


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