The House in the Cerulean Sea

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Drop everything and read this book right now! ...unless you're in the middle of a dental operation. If that's the case, I understand. If you're not, it's only 394 pages, so READ IT!

Linus Baker, a caseworker at the Department in Charge of Magical Youth (DICOMY), leads a solitary life. Linus is unexpectedly summoned by the Extremely Upper Management (what's with the dramatic name?), who gives him a Classified Level 4 assignment, for which he has to travel to Marysas Island Orphanage to make sure everything is going well there, and suggest whether the orphanage should remain open or not. Six children live there: the son of the devil, a goblin, a wyvern, a were-Pomeranian, a sprite, and an unidentifiable creature who dreams of becoming a bellhop. They're taken care of by Arthur Parnassus, a man with his own secrets.

Does the orphanage remain open? What secrets are Arthur Parnassus hiding? The son of the devil?!

Author: TJ Klune
Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult, Humor
Reading Level: 14+

"A home isn't always the house we live in. It's also the people we choose to surround ourselves with."
― T.J. Klune, The House in the Cerulean Sea

"It's the little things, I expect. Little treasures we find without knowing their origin. And they come when we least expect them. It's beautiful, when you think about it."
― T.J. Klune, The House in the Cerulean Sea

All rights go to the author, TJ Klune, and the publication team behind the book

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All rights go to the author, TJ Klune, and the publication team behind the book.

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